E1M3: Jovian Deuterium Plant (The Lost Episodes of Doom)

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The Lost Episodes of Doom maps
The Killing Fields of Io

M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8

Hell's Gate - The Red Spot of Jupiter

M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8

This level occupies the map slot E1M3. For other maps which occupy this slot, see Category:E1M3.

E1M3: Jovian Deuterium Plant is the third map of the Massacre on Callisto episode of The Lost Episodes of Doom. It was designed by Christen David Klie and previously released as a map in CHRIS_E1.WAD and later in CHRISK.WAD. According to the designer's notes in the book, it was released as CHRISK13.WAD in the first place.

This map can easily confuse the player, because it contains a room with various hidden switches, not all of which are needed to finish the level. All three keys are used, and while blue and yellow are the normal keycards, the red is a skull key.


Map of Jovian Deuterium Plant
Letters in italics refer to marked spots on the map. Sector, thing, and linedef numbers in boldface are secrets which count toward the end-of-level tally.


Colored scheme of the hidden switches.

From the start, go to the other side of the platform with the yellow keycard and use the switch, which opens a door right behind the starting point. Go through this door, turn left and use the switch, this opens another room, where you can find another switch. This switch lowers the platform with the yellow key.

Go back to the starting area, grab the key and go straight forward to the yellow door. Behind it you will find some doors with switches, which you have to open until you reach a room with three long platforms and two rows of barrels; you can shoot at these to kill some of the monsters within the room. On the opposite side of this room is a door you have to go through, which leads you to the room with the hidden switches. For a fast run through the map, you just have to take the switches shown in magenta and cyan in the image to the right. After the door back to the room with the platforms, you have to go back to the opposite side, take the small platform there, open the door and turn right after the door.

Lower all the platforms before you, until you reach the room with the invulnerability. In this room take one of the two staircases up and enter the room beyond. There you can find the blue keycard, currently hidden and inaccessible. Between both doors to that room is a switch that you can use to lower the floor of the whole room. Once lowered, you can find another switch behind the blue key. Use it and wait on the floor of the room until it rises again. Go back through one of the doors and enter the teleporter with the invulnerability. This takes you back to the starting area. There you take the door that you have opened at the beginning and head to the right this time. At the end of that tunnel, you find the switch that makes the blue key accessible. After using this switch, you can enter the room with the blue key a second time to grab it. Once you have it, go back to the room with the teleporter and open the blue door. There you can drop down and use the switch to exit this level.

Explanation of the hidden switches, shown on the screenshot:

Color Effect
Red Lowers the platforms in the room with the barrels.
Blue Opens the hidden door to the waste tunnel.
Green Give access to the secret area with the megaarmor left from the start.
Magenta Open the door to the room with the barrels.
Cyan Open the doors that lead to the blue key and exit, and to the open area that leads to the partial invisibility.
Yellow Give access to the secret area with the rocket launcher to the right from the start.

Other points of interest[edit]

If you take the hallway to the exit in the opposite direction, this leads you to another open area with a chaingun and some ammo. At the end of the hallway is a switch, which you should use. Then head to the left and take the door. Behind the door you find a room with four switches and a partial invisibility. The switches raises the complete platform within the room, step by step.

You can open a secret door in the room with the hidden switches if you use the one marked blue on the screenshot of this room. This leads you to a tunnel filled with toxic waste. Near the end of the tunnel you find a supercharge—go further and you can grab four boxes of rockets. Drop down and lower the platform. On top you can find the red skull key. Near the key is a door, go through and turn right to the red door. Inside you find two switches, one raises the stairs in this area, the other raises stairs in the hallway to the exit. After using both switches head up the stairs and jump down into the waste tunnel, turn right to go back to the area where you found the red key. Now you are able to take the hallway to the exit.


There are two secrets in this map, both can be seen from the starting point. To access these areas, you have to use the hidden switches marked green and yellow in the above image. This lowers the floor of the window sectors so you can jump down from the start area. Both secret areas have a teleporter which takes you back to the start area.

  1. The first secret contains a megaarmor. (sector 167)
  2. The other secret contains a rocket launcher. (sector 13)

Areas / screenshots[edit]


Routes and tricks[edit]

Current records[edit]

The records for the map at the Doom Speed Demo Archive are:

Run Time Player Date File Notes
UV speed
NM speed
UV max
NM 100S
UV -fast
UV -respawn
UV Tyson
UV pacifist

The (absence of) data was last verified in its entirety on December 16, 2021.


Player spawns[edit]

This level contains four spawn points:

  1. facing south-west. (thing 151)
  2. facing west. (thing 152)
  3. facing east. (thing 153)
  4. facing north. (thing 154)


Map data[edit]

Things 201
Vertices 772*
Linedefs 842
Sidedefs 1222
Sectors 171
* The vertex count without the effect of node building is 681.


This level contains the following numbers of things per skill level:

Technical information[edit]

Inspiration and development[edit]


See also[edit]


External links[edit]