E1M4: Mire of the Wyverns (Sold Soul)

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Sold Soul maps
This level occupies the map slot E1M4. For other maps which occupy this slot, see Category:E1M4.

E1M4: Mire of the Wyverns is the fourth map of Sold Soul. It was designed by Fryuko and uses the music track "Stuck in the Mire" from Old School RuneScape.


Map of Mire of the Wyverns
Letters in italics refer to marked spots on the map. Sector, thing, and linedef numbers in boldface are secrets which count toward the end-of-level tally.


Green and yellow keys[edit]

Follow the tunnel to a cave with weredragons and other monsters, then go through the opening in the north wall to find another tunnel leading to a switch. Press the switch to lower some bars then go back to the cave, where fire gargoyles (and an iron lich on thou art a smite-meister skill level or higher) have teleported in, then go through the now-open east exit to collect an ethereal crossbow. Climb up to the hole in the east wall and step through it to get outside, then walk north-east to a door and open it to enter a sludge pool with some pods, sabreclaws and undead warriors. Press the button on the north wall to lower a lift behind you and ride it up to the surrounding walkway, then go through the east door to get to a wooden bridge where more undead warriors and sabreclaws are waiting along with a weredragon.

Go south along the bridge until you head round a corner and see followers of D'Sparil guarding a hellstaff, then go through the north doorway and push past a couple of disciples of D'Sparil to reach a trident switch. Press the switch to lower some bars to the east, then go through those bars and immediately turn right to enter a teleporter. Enter it to go to a stone ledge to the south, then push past some sabreclaws and weredragons to enter a tunnel that leads to a circular cavern with nitrogolems and one or two chaos serpents. Leave the cavern by the west exit and follow the tunnel to a sludge stream, kill some waiting disciples then follow the stream to the green key; taking it will cause one to three iron liches to teleport into the cavern below.

From the green key, drop into the cavern below and open the east door to return to the sludge pool. Use the lift to get up to the surrounding walkway again, but this time go through the north door to enter another cavern which holds nitrogolems, weredragons and ophidians. Climb up the steps at the north end of the cavern to get back outside, then head straight forward across a bridge to the opposite ledge where some undead warriors guard a stone door. Open the door, which has an iron lich behind it on bringest them oneth (BTO) or higher, then turn left and follow the hallway to a room with ophidians and one or two chaos serpents. Press the trident switch beneath the serpents' platform to lower the yellow key, which will trigger an ambush by sabreclaws and disciples, then go through the green key door in the north-west corner to collect it.

Blue key and exit[edit]

Go back outside, ready to face two chaos wyverns that have been released on BTO or higher, then go back across the bridge and down the steps to return to the previous cavern. Open the yellow key door on the east side to get to another bridge, head straight forwards to a Tome of Power, which will help you destroy the sabreclaws and disciples that teleport in ahead, then continue on to a green key door and head through it. Head east past a pool with undead warriors to another door and open it, then go round the corner to see an iron lich and two nitrogolems blocking your path - note the blue gizmo in this room as the exit door is here as well. Go up some steps to kill a waiting follower, then walk south between two braziers and stop to avoid the crushers that activate ahead; time your run past the crushers then turn right to see a switch ahead, which will lower the blue key for you.

Backtrack past the crushers to the blue gizmo you passed earlier, where some disciples have been released, then walk north to a newly-revealed teleporter and enter it to go to a large stone island. Head round to the east side of the island to find a switch guarded by undead warriors and chaos serpents and press it, which will open the rock behind you and reveal four or six iron liches guarding the blue key; after taking the key, be ready for one to three chaos wyverns that fly in from the north. Retrace your steps to the hallway with the blue gizmo and open the door opposite it to find an ophidian guarding the exit teleporter to E1M5: Pilgrimage Through Desolation.

Secret exit[edit]

In secrets #4, #5 and #8 are switches that, when pressed, will reveal tombstones. After pressing all three switches, go to the outdoor area west of the yellow key where some doors have opened in the north wall; you can pass through these doors to enter a cave containing a death knight. Wait for the death knight to make it raise its shield, then fire a Morph Ovum (there is one inside the cavern) to reflect the artifact back at yourself and transform yourself into a chicken; in this form, you can pass under the low opening in the north wall and follow a crawlspace to a Ring of Invincibility and a face switch that opens the nearby door. Kill the death knight now to lower some bars to the west then step past those bars to a gold lift, press the trident switch to raise it then walk west to find the secret exit to E1M9: Sunlight Altar.

Other points of interest[edit]


  1. In the central room with pods, get on the surrounding walkway and head to the west side. Go to the western-most column and use its south side to find a passage to a Ring of Invincibility and crystal vials. (sector 305)
  2. In the cavern north of secret #1, take the east set of steps up, cross the bridge, and go behind the north-west crate to find a shadowsphere. (sector 427)
  3. At the dockside on the west side of the map, find a crate with ethereal arrows near a stack, then use the wall east of them to find a torch and energy orbs. (sector 438)
  4. In the first outside area, enter the building on the west side and head north. Before the next door, use the middle green panel at the west side to find a passage to find a switch, a map scroll, and an inferno orb. (sector 807)
  5. Cross the bridge to the north end of the map and enter the building. Head to the east room and use the blue banner to find greater runes, a mystic urn, and a switch. (sector 1197)
  6. At the green key door at the north-east end, head south and west, then use the stained-glass window at the end. Take the series of teleporters to an enchanted shield and crystal vials. (sector 1818)
  7. In the hall of crushers, get to the last one, then use the right wall before it to find a passage to a quartz flask, a quiver of ethereal arrows and an inferno orb. (sector 2626)
  8. In secret #7, open the east wall to find another quartz flask, a crystal vial, a Bag of Holding, and a switch. (sector 2639)
  9. After using the switches in secrets #4, #5, and #8, head to the north-west end of the map and go north to get this secret passage to the death knight's chamber. (sector 2653)
  10. The sector past the death knight's chamber counts as a secret and leads to the secret exit. (sector 2705)


Demo files[edit]

Areas / screenshots[edit]


Routes and tricks[edit]

Current records[edit]

The records for the map at the Doom Speed Demo Archive are:

Run Time Player Date File Notes
SM speed (normal exit)
SM speed (secret exit)
SM max
BP speed (normal exit)
BP speed (secret exit)
BP max
NM speed (normal exit)
NM speed (secret exit)
NM 100S
Pacifist (normal exit)
Pacifist (secret exit)

The (absence of) data was last verified in its entirety on December 16, 2021.


Map data[edit]

Things 1374
Vertices 22320*
Linedefs 20937
Sidedefs 39214
Sectors 3115
* The vertex count without the effect of node building is 17947.


This level contains the following numbers of things per skill level:

Technical information[edit]

Inspiration and development[edit]


See also[edit]


External links[edit]