E1M7: Beneath the Marble Citadel (Sold Soul)

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Sold Soul maps
This level occupies the map slot E1M7. For other maps which occupy this slot, see Category:E1M7.

E1M7: Beneath the Marble Citadel is the seventh map of Sold Soul. It was designed by Fryuko and uses the music track "Zamorak Zoo" from RuneScape.


Map of Beneath the Marble Citadel
Letters in italics refer to marked spots on the map. Sector, thing, and linedef numbers in boldface are secrets which count toward the end-of-level tally.


Head straight forward down the steps until you reach a weredragon guarding an ethereal crossbow, then continue north-east until you reach a set of bars with a blue skull in front of them; shooting the skull will cause the bars to lower. Go through the bars (they will close behind you) to collect a dragon claw, phoenix rod, Tome of Power and mystic urn, which you will need to fight off the ophidians, maulotaur, golems and nitrogolems that teleport in. Once the exits from the arena open, leave through the east archway to enter a valley with a lava river and go straight forward to two green structures that have pistons on top of them - you must press the switches on these machines to activate some lifts that will take you up past some chaos serpents to the top level. Continue east past some undead warriors to a moss-covered building where disciples of D'Sparil protect the green key.

Go back to the arena, passing some ophidians, iron liches and chaos wyverns that have teleported in, then go through the west archway to see a metal platform with a hellstaff on it. Head around the sandstone wall to the west to face one or two iron liches, then go up the steps behind them to reach a ledge with some brown pillars; press the switch inside the southern metal structure, which will cause a chaos serpent to teleport in, then go to the northern structure to press a second switch that is revealed and lower a lift behind you. Ride the lift up and slay some disciples that teleport in as you step off, then go up the wooden steps in front of you to enter a fortification that has a Lightbringer at the entrance. There are two iron liches (or death knights on thou art a smite-meister (SM) skill level or higher) in the center of this area, and both must be killed to lower the bars blocking the north and south exits; before you leave, make sure to press the switch on the west structure as it will lower the yellow key. Go through the north or south exits then head west until you find chaos serpents guarding a lava island holding the key.

Head back to the first arena, killing any fire gargoyles and iron liches that get in your way, then go through the north archway and cross a large bridge leading to the citadel; watch out for iron liches and chaos serpents teleporting in front of and behind you respectively. Open either door at the north end of the bridge to enter the building, then go east and north to a green key door and open it to confront a sabreclaw which is guarding a watery hallway. Open either door at the end of the hallway and dispose of a disciple along with some weredragons then climb up the steps and press a switch at the top to lower the blue key elsewhere in the citadel; this will also reveal nitrogolems on either side of the room. Go back to the citadel entrance and open the blue key door on the west side to find a water pool guarded by weredragons and undead warriors, then head to the north end of the pool (passing a pillar with the blue key on it) to find a sabreclaw protecting a switch; the switch lowers a lift behind you that goes up to the surrounding walkway. Head to the south end of the walkway to a second switch, passing some disciples that have been released, then press the switch to raise a platform by the blue key platform, giving you enough height to reach it with a running jump.

Go back to the citadel entrance and open the blue key door at the north end, which leads to a large arena with a circular central block. There are two maulotaurs at the north end of the arena that must both be killed to reveal a switch between them; ready yourself before pressing the switch as it will bring in many waves of monsters, following which the central block will lower to reveal a pack of disciples along with two iron liches (or death knights on SM or higher). Kill both liches/death knights to lower the center pillar and reveal a red skull wall, then step into this wall to finish the level.

Other points of interest[edit]


  1. In the first area, head all the way north-west, then find a switch to the south and use it. Climb back up and a Morph Ovum is accessible. (sector 1030)
  2. At the west end, use the destroyed bricks to get on the gold wall to the west, then head south and follow the thin rock ledge to a cave with a teleporter. This takes you to Sun Runes, Nova Runes and a crystal vial. (sector 1060)
  3. Keep going at the west side until you go up a large lift. Head south, then jump south-east to one of the switch pillars from before. Jump east to the rock and head east again, this time to a long ledge. Head north to get Sun Runes and Nova Runes. (sector 1493)
  4. At the west end in the lava area, head all the way north-east, lowering the rock to get an enchanted shield. (sector 2428)
  5. At the east end, when you activate the rising and lowering platforms, head to the north end and ride the east platform up. Get on the tower to the west of it, then shoot the switch inside it to lower the pillar to the north, which has an enchanted shield. (sector 2570)
  6. At the bridge leading north, head to the second tree and go to the wall to the east. There is a switch at the north end, which lowers the west wall leading to greater runes, Nova Runes, claw orbs, an energy orb, a silver shield, a quartz flask, a quiver of ethereal arrows, crystal vials, an inferno orb and an Ring of Invincibility. (sector 3475)
  7. In the north building, head to the south-east room and get to the high ground to the east. Jump west, onto a platform with a lava cauldron, then head north and to the raising wall to get a mystic urn. (sector 4011)
  8. In the blue key chamber on the west side, open the north-east door and head south to get a Tome of Power and Sun Runes. (sector 4716)


Demo files[edit]

Areas / screenshots[edit]


Routes and tricks[edit]

Current records[edit]

The records for the map at the Doom Speed Demo Archive are:

Run Time Player Date File Notes
SM speed
SM max
BP speed
BP max
NM speed
NM 100S

The (absence of) data was last verified in its entirety on December 16, 2021.


Map data[edit]

Things 1824
Vertices 28719*
Linedefs 26739
Sidedefs 52483
Sectors 4755
* The vertex count without the effect of node building is 22204.


This level contains the following numbers of things per skill level:

Technical information[edit]

Inspiration and development[edit]


See also[edit]


External links[edit]