E2M4: E3M4 - Mainframe Grid (Switcheroom)

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Switcheroom maps
Knee-Deep in the Dead

M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9

The Shores of Hell

M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9

Thy Flesh Consumed

M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9

This level occupies the map slot E2M4. For other maps which occupy this slot, see Category:E2M4.

E2M4: E3M4 - Mainframe Grid is the fourth map in the second episode of Switcheroom. It was designed by Magnusblitz and is based on the layout of E3M4: House of Pain. The par time defined in MAPINFO is 2:00.


Map of E3M4 - Mainframe Grid
Letters in italics refer to marked spots on the map. Sector, thing, and linedef numbers in boldface are secrets which count toward the end-of-level tally.


Take the chaingun then head up either staircase in front of you to reach a lift guarded by a couple of shotgun guys. Press the button next to the lift to lower it, then ride the lift up and follow the corridor past two crushers to reach an outdoor area with two square pits; the three buttons by the south wall will raise the pits and open the door leading out of this area, but entering the pits to collect the rocket launcher and supercharge inside them will activate more crushers above them. Go through the south-west door and head down the steps to a lift that goes to the floor below, but arm yourself as you will be ambushed by imps (and demons on Hurt Me Plenty (HMP) skill level or higher) at the bottom. After clearing the ambush, press the button in the northern compartment to open the doors, then head south through a wide corridor until you reach three paths. Take the right-hand (southern) path to find the blue keycard, defended by a baron of Hell on HMP or higher.

With the blue key, take the middle path and open the blue door at the end, then head straight forward through some vines and round the corner to see two doors; the eastern door will open as you approach to reveal monsters along with five skull switches. Press the middle and southern switches on the east wall to open the way forward (the other switches close the doors), then go through and follow the hallway to a lift that goes down to a room with several doors as well as eight more skull switches. Press the west switch on the western column to open the door to the yellow keycard, then press the south switch on the western column as well as the west switch on the eastern column to open more doors leading to the center of the computer block. Open the yellow door at the center and kill a waiting baron, then press the button behind it to open the bars for the red keycard.

With the red key, open the door east of the switch columns and enter the teleporter behind it to go to a marble hallway. Go straight forward past a cacodemon (plus two barons on HMP or higher) to a blood pit and press the skull switch ahead to raise a bridge to the exit door. Open the door and press another skull switch in front of you to finish the level.

Other points of interest[edit]

Head east from the start and follow a winding bridge past some imps to a teleporter and a door - the door has a berserk pack behind it, but taking the item opens a closet with several monsters. The teleporter leads to a chamber from where you can snipe the monsters from relative safety, but it has three spectres inside it on Ultra-Violence and Nightmare.


  1. Immediately open the west wall at the start for a shotgun, a box of shotgun shells and armor bonuses. (sector 48)
  2. Leave the starting room and enter the west room. Use the UAC logo on the east wall to find rockets, a box of bullets, an armor, and shotgun shells (not on Hey Not Too Rough or lower). (sector 44)
  3. In the room with two large crushers, go to the north-west area and use the pillar with the skull. This opens a small closet with a computer area map. (sector 90)
  4. In the west hallway, just before the three-way fork, use a switch to the west to open a wall to the east with a box of bullets, a backpack and a medikit. (sector 140)
  5. Open the door in the center of the three-way fork, then take the north door, the door after it, then the next door. Here, take the south door, shoot the barrels to the west, open the door, shoot more barrels, and get the armor bonuses, box of rockets and energy cell pack. (sector 174)
  6. Backtrack two doors from secret #5. Go to the north-west corner and use a switch behind the vines, then quickly return to the west room. Head north and drop to a plasma gun. (sector 180)
  7. After raising the bridge to the exit door, go there and a barrier to the south-west lowers, allowing you to get the megaarmor behind it. (sector 410)


Demo files[edit]

Areas / screenshots[edit]


Routes and tricks[edit]

Current records[edit]

The records for the map at the Doom Speed Demo Archive are:

Run Time Player Date File Notes
UV speed 1:15.54 Andrea Rovenski (Cyberdemon531) 2014-11-16 s2r4-115.zip
NM speed 3:07.63 Andrea Rovenski (Cyberdemon531) 2015-04-15 s2r4n307.zip
UV max 5:51.03 Andrea Rovenski (Cyberdemon531) 2015-04-14 s2r4-551.zip
NM 100S
UV -fast
UV -respawn
UV Tyson
UV pacifist
NoMo 0:54.83 Brayden Hart (AD 79) 2015-02-18 s2r4o054.zip

The data was last verified in its entirety on May 30, 2024.


Player spawns[edit]

This level contains seven spawn points:

  1. facing north. (thing 352)
  2. facing south. (thing 353)
  3. facing north. (thing 354)
  4. facing south. (thing 355)
  5. facing south. (thing 356)
  6. facing south-east. (thing 357)
  7. facing west. (thing 358)


Map data[edit]

Things 359
Vertices 1913*
Linedefs 2091
Sidedefs 2928
Sectors 445
* The vertex count without the effect of node building is 1660.


This level contains the following numbers of things per skill level:

Technical information[edit]

Inspiration and development[edit]


See also[edit]


External links[edit]