E3M5: Complex Trauma (ConC.E.R.Ned)
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ConC.E.R.Ned maps |
Dead Colliding |
Parallel World |
Hellish Extermination
E3M5: Complex Trauma is the fifth map in episode Hellish Extermination of ConC.E.R.Ned. It was designed by Matt Powell (cannonball) and uses the music track from Vile Flesh's MAP18, created by Gwyn Williams.
Go forward to a berserk pack, which will lower three walls around you hiding zombiemen, then open the east door and kill a spectre waiting behind it before entering a room with shotgun guys and imps. Go through the south doorway to a U-shaped hallway and follow it round to an octagonal junction (three platforms holding more spectres will lower on your right as you pass the south side) then go up the east staircase to an outdoor area with several imps. Continue east up another set of steps to a wooden corridor then following the scrolling red wall on your right until you reach the blue skull key - approaching it will allow a group of shotgun guys, imps, spectres and barons of Hell to teleport into the area.
Return to the starting area and go through the west passage this time, then walk forward past a wooden column and go through the doorway on your right to see two staircases ahead. Go to the top of the left-hand staircase and walk east to find the red skull key, but be ready to dispose of spectres that appear behind you along with other enemies that teleport to the room below with the lava channel. Drop into this room and head north into a small chamber with a chaingun, open the west door and head straight forward until you pass under a metal archway; the wall ahead will open to reveal zombiemen and one or two cacodemons. Step past this wall and look in the south-west corner to find the yellow skull key; a wall to the north will lower and release a demon, or baron on Hurt Me Plenty skill level or higher.
Return to the chaingun room and head up the north steps to an outdoor area with imps, shotgun guys and lost souls. There are three metal columns in the middle of this area; go round to the north side of the columns to find three gargoyle switches and press them to open the east doors, revealing demons, barons and a cyberdemon (the cyberdemon will teleport to the outdoor area when it sees you). Pass through all three doors to reach the exit portal; before leaving, be sure to take the berserk pack next to the exit so you start the next level with full health.
Other points of interest[edit]
From the start, head north into the area with the lava channel. You can ride the lift in the south-west corner up to a small room with a rocket launcher. When you get to the top of the staircases leading to the red key, head west into a concrete room with a lava trench; if you drop into the lava you can head north into a small passage leading to another rocket launcher.
Before entering the blue key area you will reach an octagonal junction with four columns, which has a lava area to the west. Step into the lava and immediately walk north to find a radiation shielding suit in an alcove; this will allow you to proceed further into the lava to find a plasma gun and armor.
From the blue key, head north until you go round a corner. Some steps on your right lead up to a backpack, a radiation suit and a light amplification visor.
- Go to the window south of the blue key, then go all the way north-east and into the corridor. Head west and jump down, and the pillar in front of you holding the BFG9000 will lower. (sector 292)
- In the blue key area, head west of the key, then north and use the skull on the wall. Head down and into the hole at the left side to get armor bonuses, boxes of rockets and an energy cell pack. (sector 346) The stone floor and the tiny silver strip around the lift will count as separate secrets.
- See secret #2. (sector 466)
- Head west from the first hub, then take the south path when you can. Use the wall with green faces to the east, then return to this area's entrance and go south-east to a computer area map. (sector 152)
- Head to the south-west part of the map, then enter the room to the north with lava. As soon as you do this, quickly run south-west all the way to the new area to find a megaarmor. (sector 190)
- In the central lava area, head east and use the south wall where the candle is to find a supercharge. (sector 104)
- Open the door east of the chaingun in the center of the map and shoot the switch in this hall, then open the door west of the chaingun and enter the north room to find armor bonuses and rockets. (sector 236)
- Use the satyr switch on the south side of the column in secret #7 to find three energy cells. (sector 237)
- At the north end where the three key switches are, use the switch behind the yellow key switch to lower the south-east wall to find boxes of rockets, health bonuses and an energy cell. (sector 258)
Demo files[edit]
Areas / screenshots[edit]
Routes and tricks[edit]
Current records[edit]
The records for the map at the Doom Speed Demo Archive are:
Run | Time | Player | Date | File | Notes |
UV speed | |||||
NM speed | |||||
UV max | |||||
NM 100S | |||||
UV -fast | |||||
UV -respawn | |||||
UV Tyson | |||||
UV pacifist |
The (absence of) data was last verified in its entirety on December 20, 2021.
Map data[edit]
Things | 569 |
Vertices | 2987* |
Linedefs | 3058 |
Sidedefs | 4423 |
Sectors | 480 |
This level contains the following numbers of things per skill level: