Elysium's Curse

From DoomWiki.org

Elysium's Curse
Title screen
Author Brian Irving
Port MBF21-compatible
Year 2022
Link Doomworld forums thread
Cacoward-2018.png This mod received an honorable mention at the 2022 Cacowards on Doomworld!

Elysium's Curse is a six-level PWAD for Doom II, made for MBF21-compatible source ports. Created by Brian Irving (Bri), the first episode was released on the Doomworld forums on January 12, 2022, with the second episode still in development. The WAD makes exclusive use of the OTEX texture pack for all of its textures, while its soundtrack is assembled from music tracks by Brayden Hart (AD_79). The maps are comparatively short in length, featuring strategic, fast-paced gameplay with occasional mild slaughter.

Elysium's Curse Episode 1 received an honorable mention at the 2022 Cacowards.



"Commended for your valour of fighting the hordes of Hell,

you were granted favouritism by the Gods and sent to Elysium,

only to find it corrupted and overthrown by the demons who have ambushed your arrival."
― Elysium's Curse README.txt

Custom content[edit]

A DeHackEd patch is included that lowers the health of both the imp and lost soul to 50 and 40 hit points, respectively.

External links[edit]