Fore/vr/ Alone


Fore/vr/ Alone
Title screen
Authors Various
Ports DSDA-Doom, GZDoom
Year 2023
Link Doomworld/idgames

Fore/vr/ Alone is a 23-map megawad and community project by members of /vr/, the retro games board on 4chan. It uses the OTEX texture set and additional custom-made textures. Each level is designed as a tribute to the author's beloved character (most of them being female), i.e. a "waifu", and depicts the character in the form of automap art.


Built-in demos[edit]

This WAD features three desynced built-in demos. All require Doom II with a Boom-compatible v2.02 source port to view them. The demo levels are:

Demo Level Skill Tics Length
DEMO1 MAP13: Red Boat 4 22419 10:40.54
DEMO2 MAP16: Feeble Cursed One 4 27353 13:01.51
DEMO3 MAP13: Red Boat 4 22419 10:40.54

External links[edit]