Skill level


(Redirected from HNTR)

Each game's skill level provides general difficulty settings that allow a greater variety of players to enjoy the game, allowing novices to face fewer opponents even with advantages for the player, and giving those who have mastered the game a challenge against many monsters, possibly with enhanced aggressiveness. Each skill level bears a colorful name suiting the character of the particular game being played and can be selected when the game starts or through additional options, particularly the -skill parameter.

Doom engine games[edit]

Doom and Doom II skill levels[edit]

Skill Menu name Source code1 Lump2 Thing placement3 Ammo4 Special
1 I'm too young to die. sk_baby M_JKILL The same as in sk_easy Double Players take half normal damage
2 Hey, not too rough. sk_easy M_ROUGH Least numbers or strength Normal
3 Hurt me plenty. sk_medium M_HURT Default numbers or strength Normal Used unless otherwise defined by the user
4 Ultra-Violence. sk_hard M_ULTRA Greatest numbers or strength Normal
5 Nightmare! sk_nightmare M_NMARE The same as in sk_hard Double No cheats5, fast6 and respawning monsters
  1. This is the name or tag for each skill level according to the source code.
  2. This is the name of the graphics lump in the skill menu.
  3. Each thing placed in a level (except for player starts) has cumulative bit flags (easy, normal, hard) marking on what skill levels it appears. The difference mainly amounts to larger and tougher comportments of monsters on the harder skill levels, but may also account for changes in the location of certain things. For example, in E3M6: Mt. Erebus the blue key is located in different places depending on the skill level.
  4. Double means twice as much ammo is added to the player's current total when a corresponding item is picked up. For example, a rocket will provide 2 rockets, 4 shotgun shells will be counted as 8 shells, and a box of bullets will provide 100 bullets instead of the usual 50.
  5. All cheat codes except idclev and iddt are disabled. Some source ports and re-releases may change this or have internal workarounds.
  6. Monsters attack more rapidly, demons and spectres move faster and several monster fireball types fly faster.

The 2019 re-release introduced a new skill between Ultra-Violence and Nightmare!, entitled Ultra-Violence+. It behaves as UV with fast monsters but also enables the spawning of multiplayer-only map things in single player mode. This was not kept in the 2024 re-release; which instead allows to choose "difficulty modifiers" to toggle on or off as desired, regardless of skill level chosen. This gives an in-game interface for some parameters. The Ultra-Violence+ can be replicated by choosing Ultra-Violence with "use multiplayer items" and "fast monsters" enabled.

Pistol start all levels -pistolstart
Use multiplayer items -solo-net
No monsters -nomonsters
Fast monsters -fast
Monsters respawn -respawn

Doom 64 skill levels[edit]

Skill Menu name Thing placement Ammo Special
1 Be Gentle! Same as "Bring it on!" Double Player receives half damage
2 Bring it on! Least numbers or strength Normal
3 I own Doom! Default numbers or strength Normal Used unless otherwise defined by the user
4 Watch me die! Greatest numbers or strength Normal
5 Nightmare!1 The same as in skill 4 Double Fast monsters2
  1. Not present in the original 1997 release. Called "Hardcore!" in Doom64 EX. Not available in console releases of the remaster.
  2. Unlike the "Nightmare!" skill level in the first two Doom games, there is no block against cheats and no monster respawn feature. Combining skill 5 with the -fast parameter adds a special check in the monster behavior code causing all monsters to attack immediately on sight, similar to how monster behavior works in the previous games, although in the original games it is the nightmare skill itself that gives such check to monsters, whereas the -fast parameter makes them fast, thus meaning it is reversed in Doom 64.

The "Nightmare!" skill level, introduced in the 2020 re-release of the game, is not directly accessible from the main menu, being only available by having "-skill 5" as a launch parameter, alongside the -warp command. It works correctly with saved games, and the name of the skill level will be displayed upon accessing the save/load menus. It does not, however, work correctly with the password feature.

Heretic skill levels[edit]

Skill Menu name Source code1 Thing placement2 Ammo3 Special
1 thou needeth a wet-nurse sk_baby The same as in sk_easy +50% Players take half normal damage, keys are shown on the automap, automatic use of quartz flasks and mystic urns
2 yellowbellies-r-us sk_easy Least numbers or strength Normal
3 bringest them oneth sk_medium Default numbers or strength Normal Used unless otherwise defined by the user
4 thou art a smite-meister sk_hard Greatest numbers or strength Normal
5 black plague possesses thee sk_nightmare The same as in sk_hard +50% No cheats4, fast monsters5
  1. This is the name or tag for each skill level according to the source code.
  2. Each thing placed in a level (except for player starts) has cumulative bit flags (easy, normal, hard) marking on what skill levels it appears. The difference mainly amounts to larger and tougher comportments of monsters on the harder skill levels, but may also account for changes in the location of certain things.
  3. +50% means one and a half times as much ammo is added to the player's current total when a corresponding item is picked up.
  4. All cheat codes except engage and ravmap are disabled. Some source ports may change this or have internal workarounds.
  5. Monsters attack more often and move faster, and their projectiles also move faster.

Hexen skill levels[edit]

Skill Menu name
Menu name
Menu name
Source code1 Thing placement2 Special
1 squire altar boy/novice apprentice sk_baby The same as in sk_easy Players take half normal damage. +50% mana. Automatic use of Quartz flasks and Mystic urns.
2 knight acolyte/missionary enchanter sk_easy Least numbers or strength
3 warrior priest/acolyte sorcerer sk_medium Default numbers or strength Used unless otherwise defined by the user
4 berserker cardinal/initiate warlock sk_hard Greatest numbers or strength
5 titan pope/mystic archimage sk_nightmare The same as in sk_hard No cheats4, fast monsters5. +50% mana.

The alternate righthand titles for the Cleric are used on the N64 port, due to Nintendo of America's strict rules on religious imagery in games.

See the Doom and Doom II table above for specific notes, as there are no differences in general.

Strife skill levels[edit]

Skill Menu name Lump Thing placement Ammo Special
1 Training M_JKILL The same as in skill 2 Double Players take half normal damage; monsters move at half-speed1
2 Rookie M_ROUGH Least numbers or strength Normal
3 Veteran M_HURT Default numbers or strength Normal Used unless otherwise defined by the user
4 Elite M_ULTRA Greatest numbers or strength Normal
5 Bloodbath M_NMARE The same as in skill 4 Double No cheats; fast monsters2; Robots, Templars, and turrets respawn
  1. Acolytes and stalkers move, attack, and react to pain half as fast. Reavers and ceiling turrets attack half as fast. Crusaders attack and react to pain half as fast. The Bishop's homing missiles move twice normal speed (see Bishop's missiles have reversed skill properties).
  2. All monsters attack aggressively. Acolytes move, attack, and react to pain twice as fast. The Bishop's homing missiles move at half-speed.

For other relevant notes, see the Doom and Doom II table above.

Hacx skill levels[edit]

All skill characteristics are the same as for Doom.

Skill Menu name
1 Please don't shoot!
2 Arrgh, I need health!
3 Let's rip them apart!
4 I am immortal
5 Insanity!

Chex Quest series skill levels[edit]

All skill characteristics are the same as for Doom.

Skill Menu name
1 Easy does it
2 Not so sticky
3 Gobs of goo
4 Extreme ooze
5 Super slimey!

Non-Doom engine games[edit]

Doom 3 skill levels[edit]

Skill Menu name Special
0 Recruit The Marine takes 20% reduced damage. Slightly fewer monsters than usual are encountered. Monsters will miss killing blow melee attacks in a saving throw if the player has not recently been saved. Rapid repeated instances of damage taken have their damage reduced before recovering. Armor absorption set to whatever value g_armorProtection is currently set to (30% by default, 20% if Veteran or Nightmare difficulty was played). If health is below 25 when entering a new level, set to 25.
1 Marine Monsters will miss killing blow melee attacks in a saving throw if the player has not recently been saved. Rapid repeated instances of damage taken have their damage reduced before recovering. Armor absorption set to whatever value g_armorProtection is currently set to (30% by default, 20% if Veteran or Nightmare difficulty was played). If health is below 25 when entering a new level, set to 25.
2 Veteran The Marine takes 70% increased damage. Armor absorption is set to 20%.
3 Nightmare The Marine takes 250% increased damage. Armor absorption is set to 20%. All medkits are removed from the game, and the player's health steadily drains until it is 25 or below. To restore health, the player must use the Soul Cube or health stations. Player starts the game with respective artifact in their possession. This skill level must be unlocked by first completing the game on any other skill level.

The difficulty setting can be controlled by the console variable g_skill. The damage changes take effect immediately, but a map restart or change is necessary for the rest. For example, if a player begins the level on Recruit difficulty and then enters g_skill 3 in the console, immediately their health will begin its drop to 25 and they will receive Nightmare damage. However, the Soul Cube is not given, medkits remain in the level, and the amount of monsters does not increase.

Nightmare mode must be unlocked by completing the game first. This can be bypassed by changing the console variable g_nightmare.

Doom (2016) skill levels[edit]

Skill Menu name Information
0 I'm Too Young To Die The Slayer takes around 25% less damage from enemies. Gauntlet sections have fewer enemies.
1 Hurt Me Plenty The standard difficulty. The Slayer takes normal damage and enemy numbers are unchanged.
2 Ultra-Violence The Doom Slayer takes roughly 50% more damage and enemy numbers are increased. Additionally, health/armor pickups and ammo dropped from chainsaw kills yield fewer supplies, making health, armor and ammo scarcer.
3 Nightmare The Doom Slayer takes about 90% more damage from enemy attacks to the point where a melee attack from an imp at the start is capable of one-hit killing him if he does not have health upgrades. Additionally, health/armor pickups and ammo dropped from chainsaw kills yield hardly any supplies, demanding that the player conserve their resources at all times.
4 Ultra-Nightmare Functions the same as Nightmare, but with the addition of permadeath, meaning the player will need to complete the entire game without dying; saving is disabled apart from an automatic save in between stages, and if the player dies outside of a rune trial for any reason they must restart the game from the beginning. Skulls are left behind in the location of a player death as a progress marker. Depending on the version, this mode may be locked or unavailable altogether.

Doom Eternal skill levels[edit]

Doom Eternal shares its skill levels with its predecessor, with the addition of Extra Life Mode. Similar to Ultra-Nightmare, Extra Life Mode is a permadeath mode that can be applied to any skill level save for Ultra-Nightmare. When it is active, running out of extra lives will cause a game over in the same manner as dying on Ultra-Nightmare, erasing all progress in the campaign.


  • In addition to the five Doom standard skill levels, in vanilla Doom a skill level of 0 can also be specified, but only using the -skill parameter. Doing this empties maps of all things apart from the player starts. This does not work in many source ports. It also renders many levels that have boss trigger effects, require keys or use teleporters impossible to finish without the aid of cheat codes.
  • Early versions of Doom did not support "Nightmare!" skill. The initial mail-order releases were version 1.1 and only included the first four skill levels. The widely circulated version 1.2 added "Nightmare!" skill support. "Nightmare!" was added with the characteristic dark humor of the Doom games in response to Usenet comments saying the game was too easy on "Ultra-Violence."[1] After selecting "Nightmare!" from the main menu, the player is asked "Are you sure? This skill level isn't even remotely fair." The player must then confirm that they want to play on Nightmare mode, a step which is unique to this skill level.
  • The name of Doom's fourth skill level, "Ultra-Violence", comes from a phrase in Anthony Burgess's 1962 novel A Clockwork Orange, via Stanley Kubrick's 1971 film version.[2]
  • In the Doom alphas, "I'm too Young to Die" was called "I Just Want to Kill", hence the name M_JKILL for the graphic for skill 1.
  • Doom's "I'm Too Young To Die" skill level was re-named "I am a wimp" for Jaguar, 3DO, Sony PlayStation and Sega Saturn versions.
  • Some skilled players have created new challenges by defining custom rules, such as pacifist (not hurting monsters) and Tyson (fists, pistol, and chainsaw only).
  • Strife reuses skill names from Raptor: Call of the Shadows.

See also[edit]


  1. decino (8 March 2023). ""Doom's Nightmare Difficulty: Everything You Need To Know"." YouTube. Retrieved 8 March 2023.