Heretic manual


For information about the manual for the expanded version, see Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders manual.

The Heretic manual is an eight-page full-color fold-out brochure distributed by id Software along with registered copies of Heretic.


Pages of the manual are not numbered. For use in this article, the pages are numbered, from left to right, top row first, then bottom row. The reverse side of the manual contains a title screen image with logos of Raven Software and id Software, and can be used as a poster.


The first two pages of the manual tell the Heretic's backstory with information about the Sidhe, Serpent Riders, and the player character.

Installing Heretic subsection includes:

  • system requirements;
  • information on how to install the game from floppy discs or CD;
  • information on how to use the setup program to configure the game.

Technical support subsection describes a number of ways to get support: using README file, calling by phone or sending a letter to id Software, or using the HELPME file.

The Heretic main menu[edit]

This section occupies upper part of page 3 and describes how to use the menu to start the new game, save and load games, quit the game, set options.

Your status[edit]

This section occupies lower part of page 3 and provides a description of the status bar with the picture. It also tells how to use the inventory.

Moving around in the world[edit]

This section occupies page 4 and gives the following information:

Magical weapons and how to use them[edit]

This section occupies page 5. Brief descriptions (with pictures) are given for the following weapons: staff, Gauntlets, Elvenwand, crossbow, dragon's claw, hellstaff, and phoenix rod.

The copyright notice is located at the bottom of the page.

Items and artifacts[edit]

This section occupies page 6. Brief descriptions (with pictures) are given for the following items and artifacts: vial, quartz flask, mystic urn, shield, enchanted shield, torch, map scroll, Bag of Holding, shadowsphere, Tyketto's Tome of Power, Valador's Ring of Invulnerability, Inhilicon's Wings of Wrath, Darchala's Chaos Device, Torpol's Morph Ovum, and Delmintalitar's Time Bomb of the Ancients.

Monsters you'll face[edit]

This section occupies page 7. Brief descriptions are given for the following monsters: gargoyle, fire gargoyle, golem, nitrogolem, undead warriors, sabreclaw, weredragon, ophidian, and disciple of D'Sparil. For each of these a frame of the sprite is also shown. A presence of ghost variants of golem, undead warrior, and weredragon is also mentioned, although this is an error for the latter.

Multiplayer rules[edit]

This section occupies the upper part of page 8 and provides information about multiplayer mode: how to start and pause a game, saving and loading, talking, and exiting a level.

Cooperative or deathmatch play[edit]

This section occupies the lower part of page 8 and gives a thorough description of the multiplayer modes: cooperative and deathmatch.


The lower part of the last page contains a Credits section:

See also[edit]