Hexen keys
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This page is about the eleven keys found in Hexen. Each key is only found once in the game, but may be used to open multiple doors.
Hub 1: Seven Portals[edit]
There are four keys in this episode.
Emerald key[edit]
This is the first key encountered in Hexen, and is found in Winnowing Hall. Its only use is opening the door to the area on the other side of the courtyard on the same map.
Silver key[edit]
The silver key is also found and solely used on Winnowing Hall. It opens the bell tower, allowing the player to ring the bell.
Steel key[edit]
The steel key is found on the Guardian of Ice. It is used to access the two lifts on the Guardian of Steel, allowing the player to reach the puzzle switches.
Fire key[edit]
The fire key is also found on the Guardian of Ice. It is used on the Guardian of Fire to gain access to the puzzle switch.
Hub 2: Shadow Wood[edit]
There are four keys in this episode.
Horn key[edit]
The horn key is found on the Wastelands. It is necessary to obtain access to a puzzle switch on both Darkmere and the Caves of Circe.
Cave key[edit]
The cave key is found on the Caves of Circe. It is necessary to obtain access to a puzzle switch on both Darkmere and the Wastelands.
Swamp key[edit]
The swamp key is found on Darkmere. It is necessary to obtain access to a puzzle switch on both the Caves of Circe and the Wastelands.
Castle key[edit]
The castle key is also found on Darkmere, and is only used once, to unlock a small room on the same map, in which the player needs to get to in order to obtain the swamp key.
Hub 3: Heresiarch's Seminary[edit]
There are no keys in this episode.
Hub 4: Castle of Grief[edit]
There are three keys in this episode.
Rusted key[edit]
The rusted key is found and used on the Forsaken Outpost. It allows the player to reach the Daemon Codex. It is also required to get to the secret level of the Castle of Grief hub, the Desolate Garden. Note that the player also needs to have pulled the switch in the Sacred Grove secret level in the Shadow Wood episode to gain entry to Desolate Garden.
Dungeon key[edit]
The dungeon key is found in an outside area on the Effluvium. It allows the player to access the Dungeons from the Gibbet.
Axe key[edit]
This is the final key collected in the game. It is made available in the Gibbet after all the other puzzles have been solved, and allows the player to enter the showdown with the heresiarch (on the same map).
Hub 5: Necropolis[edit]
There are no keys in this episode.
Deathkings of the Dark Citadel[edit]
Only eight of the original keys are used in the expansion: the dungeon, rusted, and fire keys are left out.
Expansion Hub 1: Blight[edit]
There are five keys in this hub.
Silver key[edit]
The silver key is found in one of the houses in the Ruined Village. It is used to access the guard room containing the switch opening the gate to the rest of the hub.
Cave key[edit]
The cave key is found in one of the quarters of Blight. It unlocks the doors to the Catacomb gate in Blight, Sump and Badlands.
Emerald key[edit]
The emerald key is found in one of the quarters of Blight. It unlocks the doors to the Brackenwood gate in Blight, Badlands, and Sump.
Horn key[edit]
The horn key is found in one of the quarters of Blight. It unlocks the doors to the Badlands gate in Blight, Brackenwood, and Catacomb.
Swamp key[edit]
The swamp key is found in one of the quarters of Blight. It unlocks the doors to the Sump gate in Blight, Brackenwood and Catacomb.
Expansion Hub 2: Constable's Gate[edit]
There are three keys in this episode.
Axe key[edit]
The axe key is found in Locus Requiescat. It is used in Constable's Gate to access the Market Place, and, in conjunction with the steel key, the Ordeal.
Steel key[edit]
The steel key is found in the Market Place. It is used together with the axe key in Constable's Gate to access the Ordeal.
Castle key[edit]
The castle key is found in Locus Requiescat. It is used in Ordeal to access the Treasury.
There are no keys in this episode.
Expansion Hub 4: Transit[edit]
As befits the deathmatch-oriented nature of this hub, no keys are present.
Data not listed for the above keys is the same as for the axe key. |
Hexen items | |
Health | Crystal vial | Quartz flask | Mystic urn |
Armor | Amulet of Warding | Dragonskin bracers | Falcon shield | Mesh armor | Platinum helm |
Artifacts | Banishment Device | Boots of Speed | Chaos Device | Dark Servant | Disc of Repulsion | Dragonskin bracers | Fléchette | Icon of the Defender | Krater of Might | Mystic Ambit Incant | Mystic urn | Porkalator | Quartz flask | Torch | Wings of Wrath |
Others | Ammo | Keys | Puzzle artifacts |