
From DoomWiki.org

Hissy in 2003

Hissy is a plush Cacodemon created by Jonas Feragen (Chrozoron) sometime around 1994-1995. Hissy has become somewhat of an icon among certain portions of the Doom community. She is also the mascot of the Doom Wiki itself. She even appears in the Skulltag source port (she is both a playable skin, and a character which appears in one of the levels), and several PWADs such as Action Doom (in the player's ship quarters in the final map).


Hissy was originally slated to go on a "world tour", visiting one Doomer every two weeks, and then passed on to the next Doomer on the list. Hissy needed to have some teeth re-sewn once she reached Eric James Roberts (Ricrob); his mother performed the repairs.

The world tour was stopped when Andrew Stine (Linguica) kept Hissy in his possession for approximately two years. A vigilant campaign known as "Free Hissy", spearheaded by Simon Howard (Fraggle), sprang up to fight this perceived injustice. Cries of "Free Hissy!" and "Hissy hogger!" were not uncommon; Linguica was even depicted as an enemy in Skulltag, with a voice sample claiming, "To free the Hissy, you must kill me, Linguica." Linguica finally turned Hissy over to Brad Carney (Carnevil) in 2000. The Free Hissy website died, but an archived copy can be found below.

Ironically, Carnevil ended up having Hissy longer than Linguica ever did, but no organised resistance corresponding to the original Free Hissy campaign surfaced. On February 5th, 2003, a passing conversation in the Skulltag IRC channel between Carnevil and Bill Koch (Bloodshedder) set up the next Hissy exchange. Carnevil received a self-addressed box full of packing peanuts in which to ship Hissy to Bloodshedder. Even though he was never on the original list, on February 19, Hissy arrived on Bloodshedder's doorstep.

In late January of 2004, Julian Aubourg paid a visit to America. After staying in Chicago with Steve Dudzik (Lüt), and several well known Doomers such as Mike Lightner (Mancubus II), Twister, Alex Mao (arioch) and Stephen McGranahan (SoM), Julian, along with Lüt, visited Bloodshedder for two days, January 30 and 31. It was at this time that the next Hissy exchange occurred. Hissy was given to them with the stipulation that Mancubus II would receive her.

Mancubus II held Hissy for 1,437 days (or 3 years, 11 months and 7 days), which is the third longest amount of "hogging" so far. On January 6th, 2008, a few members of Unidoom attended MAGFest, a large gaming convention. There, Ralph Vickers (Ralphis) received Hissy from Manc.

On September 20th, 2014, Ralphis relinquished his claim on Hissy by shipping her off to Oklahoma to be with James Haley (Quasar). In doing so, the bar for Hissy hogging has been set to an unprecedented new high of 2,449 days: over six and a half years. Quasar held Hissy for about 1,772 days before handing her over to Samuel Villarreal (Kaiser) on July 28th, 2019. Kaiser held Hissy for 1,476 days before handing her over to Stephen Browning (Scuba Steve) on August 12th, 2023 during QuakeCon. Scuba Steve held Hissy for 364 days, until he passed Hissy to Xaser Acheron on August 10, 2024, again at QuakeCon. Xaser had actually taken Hissy the night of August 9th, and he secretly performed repairs on her. Over the years, she lost a tooth on her top left side. Xaser sewed in a replacement gold tooth, giving Hissy a new look and flair. Xaser has held Hissy for 66 days so far.

Someday, perhaps, Hissy will return to her home in Norway.

Table of Hissy hoggers[edit]

The following table summarizes the information above:

Hogger Start date End date Length
Eric James Roberts (Ricrob)
Andrew Stine (Linguica) 2000
Brad Carney (Carnevil) 2003/02/03
Bill Koch (Bloodshedder) 2003/02/19 2004/01/31 347 days
Mancubus II 2004/01/31 2008/01/06 1,437 days
Ralph Vickers (Ralphis) 2008/01/06 2014/09/20 2,449 days
James Haley (Quasar) 2014/09/20 2019/07/28 1,772 days
Samuel Villarreal (Kaiser) 2019/07/28 2023/08/12 1,476 days
Stephen Browning (Scuba Steve) 2023/08/12 2024/08/10 364 days
Xaser Acheron 2024/08/10


See also[edit]

External links[edit]