Hub 2: Market Place


Constable's Gate
Hexen: Beyond Heretic
Map name: MAP50

Cheat code: visit10

Market Place is one of the offshoot maps from Constable's Gate in the second hub of Deathkings of the Dark Citadel. It uses one of the following music tracks composed by Kevin Schilder: "Chapel 2" (default) or "Hall" (played from the game CD).


Map of Market Place
Letters in italics refer to marked spots on the map. Sector, thing, and linedef numbers in boldface are secrets.


This level contains the steel key and one of Yorick's Skulls, both of which can be collected in a single visit.

You begin in a hall with several dark bishops, who have their backs to you. Kill all the bishops, then break any of the windows to get outside and face a pack of ettins. Go to the gallows in the south-east corner and climb up the steps to retrieve the steel key, then head north and go around the large brick building in front of you until you get to its north side, where you can see a ledge with two brown chaos serpents. Go through the doorways on either side and climb the steps to get to that ledge, push the moon switch here to open two stone doors on the floor below then go through the west door and climb up the steps behind it. Open the wooden door at the top of the steps, kill a waiting ettin then go round the corner to press another moon switch at the end of the corridor; this will open the stone doors in the corridor to reveal ettins and afrits, and also activate some fireball launchers at the corridor entrance.

Go back to the previous moon switch and pass through the eastern stone door; the wall ahead will slide open to reveal a brown serpent, followed by a second wall next to it that hides a face switch. Push the switch, then go back outside to the large brick building and climb the steps that have risen on its west and south entrances, then fight through some slaughtaurs to reach the center of the building where you will find Yorick's Skull, opposite a platform with some quartz flasks. Now leave the building by the western stairs and go through the open doors in front of you, then climb up the stairs in this room to find a mystic urn guarded by some brown serpents. There is a moon switch on the west wall, but ignore it for now and instead go through the wooden doors on the north and south sides to find two more switches, which will raise a bridge from the lava pit visible through the windows. Go back to the first moon switch and press it to raise two teleporter pads behind you, then step on the red pad to go to the bridge where afrits and one or two brown serpents are guarding the portal back to Constable's Gate.


The brown serpents on the ledge at the north end of the map (things 482 and 483) are stuck on rag banners and are unable to move.

Areas / screenshots[edit]


Routes and tricks[edit]

Current records[edit]

The records for the map at the Doom Speed Demo Archive are:

Run Time Player Date File Notes
Sk4 speed
Sk4 max
Sk5 speed
Sk5 max

The (absence of) data was last verified in its entirety on December 3, 2021.


Player spawns[edit]

This level contains eight spawn points:

  1. facing east. (thing 143)
  2. facing east. (thing 144)
  3. facing north. (thing 145)
  4. facing north-east. (thing 146)
  5. facing west. (thing 147)
  6. facing west. (thing 148)
  7. facing south-west. (thing 149)
  8. facing north. (thing 150)


Map data[edit]

Things 564
Vertices 1474*
Linedefs 1651
Sidedefs 2268
Sectors 243
* The vertex count without the effect of node building is 1369.


This level contains the following numbers of things per skill level: