
From DoomWiki.org

Janizdreg (often abbreviated as Janiz) is a Finnish Doomer, born 1984. He first started playing Doom in 1994 and joined the internet Doom community as an active member in 1997. Currently he is concentrating on collecting and sharing Doom information on the Doom Wiki and helping the Chocolate Doom project (mostly by reporting bugs he finds in it and by maintaining the project wiki). He still occasionally plays the classic Doom games online or locally with friends. He is also a regular on the #chocolate-doom IRC channel and posts at the Doomworld forums sometimes.

Body of work[edit]





  • Doom Wiki (administrator, active until 2013)


Achievements as a player[edit]

  • Placed third in the MindtrekLAN Doom II tournament held in 2002. [1]

External links[edit]