Khorus (WAD)


Title screen
Author Shadowman
Port Boom-compatible
Year 2012
Link Doomworld/idgames

Khorus is a Boom compatible mod of nine levels by Shadowman. The first demo, containing just one level, was released at Doom Power forum on February 11, 2012. Final version was uploaded to the /idgames archive on November 4, 2012. Many new textures and graphics are included, as is a full replacement soundtrack, mostly arrangements of Russian folk music. The author strongly recommends playing in PrBoom+. The WAD's protagonist, searching for his missing red cow named Burenka, is unexpectedly led to the ruins of a lost civilization which have subsequently been taken over by a spiderdemon.


Built-in demos[edit]

This WAD features three built-in demos. All require Doom II with a Boom-compatible v2.02 source port to view them. The demo levels are:

Demo Level Skill Tics Length
DEMO1 MAP05: Black Moon of the Forest 4 1442 0:41.20
DEMO2 MAP01: Lost Temple 4 1526 0:43.60
DEMO3 MAP04: Peddlers 4 979 0:27.97

External links[edit]