MAP01: Titan Manor (Master Levels)


This level occupies the map slot MAP01. For other maps which occupy this slot, see Category:MAP01.

Titan Manor is a map that is part of the Master Levels for Doom II. The map is set on the surface of Saturn's largest moon, Titan. It was designed by Jim Flynn, and is contained in the file MANOR.WAD.

In the version for Doom + Doom II, this level uses the music track "Message for the Archvile".


Map of Titan Manor
Letters in italics refer to marked spots on the map. Sector, thing, and linedef numbers in boldface are secrets which count toward the end-of-level tally.


Yellow key[edit]

From the start position, enter the manor. Inside, walk upstairs to your right and open the door. A large arrow formed by light points towards the north-western corner. Open the wall in that corner and take the lift. Walk forth on the long bridge and fall down on the window sill leading to the crate room. In that room, if you walk near the blue door, then an alcove containing enemies will open. Enter the alcove and press the skull switch to lower the crate with the yellow key.

Blue key[edit]

In the crate room open the small wooden door. In the room with the blue key, press the skull switch to the west to build the staircase around the blue key stand. Walk to the stand and press "use" on the baron depicted on the stand. This will build up the bridge that will help with getting the key faster rather than walking from the southern and western sides of this stand. Open the yellow door to get back to the entrance hall. Open the door to your right to get to the library. In the library go upstairs and open a secret wall in the fireplace. Press the switch there. This will lower a wall near the fireplace. Enter and go to the right and press the switch to temporarily lower the column in the middle in the entrance hall. While it has not risen just stand on it to temporarily lower the stand with the blue key. Through the yellow door run upstairs and take the blue key.

Red key[edit]

Return to the crate room (as a shortcut from the blue key room, enter the crate room via the north-west door and press the crates jutting out to use them as a lift) and open the blue door. At the very end of the room there is a switch to lower a platform behind you. Use this platform to get to the higher level of this room and drop to the south-east ledge to enter the teleporter in the outside courtyard. Squeeze through the narrow hall to get to a bedroom. Walk up the steps to the window and jump to the platform around the near column. Walk around the column and press the button to lower the platform around the other column. Press the second switch on that column to reveal a room to the south-east with the red key inside.


Return to the room with the red door, next to the crate room. Open a computer panel near the door (unless you have turned on the lights the computer panel is marked by an arrow). Press the skull switch to lower the brick wall blocking the way past the red door. Press the sequence of switches to exit.

Other points of interest[edit]


  1. In the south-east lower section inside the crate room, lower the crates jutting out. While the crates are lowered open the grey crate and enter where you will find a megaarmor and a shotgun guy. (sector 213)
  2. From the blue key room jump to the window of the tall cabin (you can also jump through its top window from the north bridge but it is harder to do). Grab two boxes of rockets and a berserk pack. Lower the lift, grab more boxes of rockets and an energy cell pack. (sector 126)
  3. From the blue key room drop down from the southern window to enter the southern courtyard. Lower a metallic beam in the middle of the courtyard to get to a higher level where you can grab a plasma gun. (sector 179)
  4. Also in the southern courtyard, open the wooden wall from the north side. Stand on the water container (it resembles a foot bath or trough). Enter the right-most pen that lowered. Run over the pen door to open another pen (to get out of the pen press the scratch on the wall). Stand on the left-most (eastern-most) pen's door and wait until it has risen. Open the eastern wall. The bookcase containing the chainsaw will lower. (sector 111)
  5. In the bedroom, stand on the bed and open the northern wall (if you have already visited the alcove with the red key you can see the arrow on the bed pointing to this wall). Inside the wall you will find boxes of rockets and a medikit. (sector 210)
  6. Press the switch in secret #5 to lower the walls in the bedroom, revealing a computer map on a secret pedestal. Use the teleporter to leave and then come back again, then sprint to the window sill and then sprint onto the pedestal. (sector 143)
  7. The secret is located at the very beginning of the level, on the platform in the middle with BFG9000 on it. First you need to open the baron wall to the south of the room near the exit, then enter the alcove where you press a skull switch to open a door in the other end of the alcove holding another switch. After pressing that second switch, return to the beginning of the level and enter the north-eastern tower. Press the switch to raise a platform giving access to the south towers. Enter the south-western tower, press the switch there. Go to the south-eastern tower and lower a lift. At the top press the switch to make another bridge leading to the south-western tower. Walk over the bridge, enter the teleporter to the north-western tower. Jump through the wooden column, where you can get a light amplification visor and a BFG9000 on the tall lamp. (sector 228)


For the pillars used to open the door to the red key, if the outer part of the northeast pillar (sector 116) is lowered (by approaching the red key room), then the inner part of that pillar can be pressed to lower the inner part to the floor. When the outer part rises again, the sides facing inwards will be untextured.

Design oddities[edit]

The pillars used to open the door to the red key have measures put in place to punish players for attempting to exploit buttons being pressable at any height. If attempting to press the skull buttons on the pillars from the ground below, the sides of the outer parts of the pillars (linedefs 535, 545) will get pressed instead, lowering the northwest lift in the room and potentially making a chaingunner attack the player from behind. These measures are not completely effective however, as the buttons can still be pressed from below by standing to the sides.

Demo files[edit]

Areas / screenshots[edit]


Routes and tricks[edit]

Current records[edit]

The records for the map at the Doom Speed Demo Archive are:

Run Time Player Date File Notes
UV speed 0:30.57 Ledmeister 2005-09-18 Cross-listed from Pacifist
NM speed 0:19.74 El Juancho 2022-05-09
UV max 5:00.26 Ricardo Bischoff (Rizera) 2011-04-10
NM 100S 2:05.60 Jean-Charles Dorne (JCD) 2021-07-10
UV -fast
UV -respawn
UV Tyson
UV pacifist 0:30.57 Ledmeister 2005-09-18

The data was last verified in its entirety on June 3, 2022.


Player spawns[edit]

This level contains eight spawn points:

  1. facing west. (thing 181)
  2. facing west. (thing 182)
  3. facing west. (thing 183)
  4. facing west. (thing 184)
  5. facing north. (thing 185)
  6. facing south. (thing 186)
  7. facing east. (thing 247)
  8. facing west. (thing 248)


Map data[edit]

Things 249
Vertices 1586*
Linedefs 1371
Sidedefs 2084
Sectors 279
* The vertex count without the effect of node building is 1101.


This level contains the following numbers of things per skill level:

Technical information[edit]

Inspiration and development[edit]


Although not very useful, it is possible to complete the level without getting the blue skull key. This can be accomplished by making a semi-difficult jump from secret #3 where the plasma gun is located onto the platform with the pentagram teleporter. This will give the player access to the room that would normally require the blue key.

See also[edit]


External links[edit]