MAP09: 14 Angrier Archviles (Valiant)


Valiant maps
A Different Breed

01 02 03 04 05 06 07

Abattoir of Thy Madness
Meet the New Corruption

14 15 16 17 18 31 32

Thou Art Annihilation

19 20 21 22 23 24

New Moon, Old Grudge

25 26 27 28 29 30

This level occupies the map slot MAP09. For other maps which occupy this slot, see Category:MAP09.

MAP09: 14 Angrier Archviles is the ninth map of Valiant. It was designed by Paul DeBruyne (skillsaw) and uses the music track "Dark Angel," composed by James Paddock (Jimmy). The par time is 7:30.


Map of 14 Angrier Archviles
Letters in italics refer to marked spots on the map. Sector, thing, and linedef numbers in boldface are secrets which count toward the end-of-level tally.


You start in a small room surrounded by the titular arch-viles; grab the weapons and items in front of you then shoot the brown wall, which will alert the arch-viles and cause them to teleport away. Enter the red teleporter that is revealed then start following the winding path in front of you east and north; the arch-viles will teleport in and out to scare you, but there is a small chance they will try to attack you before disappearing again. When you get to the top of the path you will find yourself at a castle entrance with arched columns - go up the steps and drop down a hole at the top, noting two pyro knights that teleport away as you hit the floor, then head forward to a crossroads - several walls will lower in sequence, and you will have to fight off two of the arch-viles along with several super imps and the two pyro knights you saw earlier.

Go through the east doorway to enter a room with a plasma gun (taking it will block the exits from the room and trigger an ambush by revenants; you can then press the skull switch in the south-west closet to lower the bars so you can escape). Head through the south doorway to a room with a large staircase and follow the stairs down to the bottom to find another skull switch (and a BFG9000 on I'm Too Young To Die (ITYTD) and Hey Not Too Rough (HNTR) skill levels). Pressing the switch will lower all the steps, revealing one or more pyro knights followed by super demons, imps and revenants - once they are all dead, head to the metal lift in the north-east corner and lower it to find the blue skull key, along with three arch-viles that teleport in.

Ride the lift up then head west into the plasma gun room, then north into a room with a bridge over a damaging blood pit; instead of crossing the bridge, which will lower before you can reach the other side, drop into the pit and take the radiation shielding suit by the east wall (plus a megasphere on ITYTD and HNTR). Dispose of two arch-viles and some imps that teleport in, then get on one of the moving columns by the north wall and ride it up so you can leap over to the other side of the pit. Head up two sets of steps to confront some zombiemen and a pyro knight, then turn right to find a mancubus guarding the yellow skull key. Drop down two levels to find yourself at the locked doors leading to the exit, then head south towards a barrier leading back to the crossroads - it will lower as you approach, but you will have to dispose of two arch-viles that are released in front of you (plus four demons that teleport behind you on Ultra-Violence and Nightmare).

Go through the west doorway from the crossroads then turn right to drop into an area with blood and gore; two arch-viles and some imps will teleport behind you, and a ledge to the south will lower and reveal more imps guarding a skull switch. Press this switch to lower two more ledges to the north then head in this direction to find a deep blood pit bordered by a wide walkway. Follow the walkway round to the east side of the pit, passing imps and chaingunners, until you reach one or two mancubi blocking your way to a lift. Approach the lift to lower it and reveal two shotgun guys (chaingunners on UV and NM), then ride the lift up and climb some steps to a mancubus and arachnotron guarding the red skull key. Drop down to the locked doors you saw earlier and open all three of them, then step on the red X to finish the level.

Other points of interest[edit]

From the plasma gun room, head east past the blue key platform and head down some steps to a bridge. Two arch-viles will teleport to the ledges on either side of the bridge along with imps and zombies; the ledges will also move up and down, revealing a total of six target switches - shooting them will lower the bars blocking the teleporter, allowing you to reach a megasphere.

On the pathway surrounding the blood pit on the north-west side of the map, you will find some steps leading to a rocket launcher. Taking it will open several alcoves on the pathway containing cacodemons and arachnorbs.


  1. At the top of the blue key platform, shoot the pentagram on the other side of the wall to open an alcove with a berserk pack and an armor. You can also use the super shotgun's spread to your advantage and shoot it from below. (sector 1469)
  2. Go right of where the red key is located and shoot the target switch. Drop down from the red key platform to find an opening with a pyro knight and a supercharge. (sector 1441)


Demo files[edit]

Areas / screenshots[edit]


Routes and tricks[edit]

Current records[edit]

The records for the map at the Doom Speed Demo Archive are:

Run Time Player Date File Notes
UV speed 2:18.23 kvothesixstring 2021-11-14
NM speed
UV max 5:43.86 Drew DeVore (stx-Vile) 2022-04-24
NM 100S
UV -fast 9:52.37 Daymond (VwV) 2024-04-25
UV -respawn 4:31.06 tchkb 2020-07-14
UV Tyson
UV pacifist 3:29.71 Terrarienn 2023-05-05
NoMo 1:39.80 Terrarienn 2023-02-12

The data was last verified in its entirety on May 12, 2024.


Map data[edit]

Things 985
Vertices 10626*
Linedefs 11673
Sidedefs 20771
Sectors 1556
* The vertex count without the effect of node building is 10626.


This level contains the following numbers of things per skill level:

Technical information[edit]

Inspiration and development[edit]


See also[edit]


External links[edit]