MAP12: Black Rain (Community Chest 3)


Community Chest 3 maps 12-20

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11
(12 - 20)
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Secret maps: 31 32

This level occupies the map slot MAP12. For other maps which occupy this slot, see Category:MAP12.
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MAP12: Black Rain is the twelfth map of Community Chest 3. It was designed by Matt Cibulas (RottKing), and uses the music track "AimShootKill" from TNT: Evilution. It is the largest level in the megawad, and was the author's first single-player level. It uses NMN Corporation Texture Set Part 1 by Pawel Zarczynski (NMN).

Black Rain was featured in Doomworld's Top 100 Most Memorable Maps, placing 99th.


Map of Black Rain
Letters in italics refer to marked spots on the map. Sector, thing, and linedef numbers in boldface are secrets which count toward the end-of-level tally.


Other points of interest[edit]

The west end of the train area in the north of the map is blocked by a door. At the south of this area is a room containing alcoves that have exposed circuitry at the back of the walls. The sole alcove that you can walk into contains a small green button. Pressing this button will open the aforementioned door, allowing you to explore the stretch of railway until you reach the end, which contains a BFG9000. Be warned that attempting to acquire the BFG, or simply trying to pass any further, will activate a large and inescapable crusher that (should you survive the single, initial crushing) will leave you stuck between a crusher and a hard place. It is possible (with poor odds) to acquire this BFG and escape unharmed using two consecutive linedef skips: A regular skip in to the west, and a wall-hugging skip back out to the east similar to the BFG trick in MAP31: I Dunno Torn (Scythe).


  1. In the room accessed from the western elevator in the room north of the first hallway, the northern wall of the nukage pool has a light fixture on it. Press it to find a partial invisibility. (sector 173)
  2. After pressing the switch to open the door west of the nukage pool divided by a bridge, walk into the nukage pouring down from the pipe at the southwestern part of the room to obtain a supercharge. (sector 321)
  3. After using the tall elevator with the red chevrons pointing up, the western platform has very tiny (almost imperceptible) steps protruding out of it. Climb these stairs and press on the computer screen to find a stimpack and megaarmor. (sector 699)
  4. Near the yellow keycard switch is a door. Open it to find a tiny opening to the east. Drop out of the opening and into the gap west of the nearby crate stack to get a box of rockets and an energy cell. (sector 797)
  5. While in the cavern west of the central outdoor section, there is a small alcove at the west containing a light amplification visor. (sector 1059)
  6. At the northwestern part of the map, on the building with the switch that fills the nukage canal, there is a section of circuitry at the southwestern part of the area that is brighter and aligned differently than the rest. Press it to find a medikit and two backpacks. (sector 2632)
  7. At the southern opening from which you jump onto the train, there is a section of the western wall with a hole in it where you can see circuitry. Pressing it yields a supercharge. (sector 1231) Grabbing it will cause a spectre to teleport behind you.
  8. At the northwestern part of the blue skull area, there is a small railing, behind which is a bloodfall. Press the middle of it, and it will lower briefly, allowing access to a blood pool, two stimpacks, and megaarmor. (sector 2071)
  9. In the final outdoor section of the level near the exit, climb the marble staircase. After this, turn towards the rock railing. Straferun towards the easternmost side of the railing, and jump on top of it. If you overshoot your landing, use the teleporter in the sludge pool to return to higher ground. Once you successfully get on top of the railing and stay there, drop onto the ledge at the eastern part of it and carefully move along the ledge until you find another stairway. Climb the staircase and face west to find a Wolfenstein SS standing in front of Commander Keen. Behind Keen is a megasphere. (sector 2577) Use the nearby teleporter to return to the cavern near the last building.


The dark switches with red lights do not give feedback when pressed. This is because the megawad's SWITCHES lump does not contain entries for these switches.

A few monster closets contain one-time use teleporters, even though they contain more than one monster. This renders pure 100% kills impossible on the hard difficulties where 5 monsters are unreachable, and on medium where 3 monsters are unreachable. All monsters are reachable on the easy difficulties, however.

A monster closet with lost souls (sector 2639) has no teleport destination.

In co-operative multiplayer, there are two pairs of monsters stuck in eachother (pair 1 contains thing 1530, pair 2 contains thing 1531).

An imp (thing 85) teleports into a stuck position, leaving it with no offense except to scowl menacingly at the player through a window.

Some cliffsides (sectors 2684, 2520 but not 2522) reachable at secret #9 deal damage like the slime below, despite being dry land.

Several reachable sectors containing the usually harmful slime or lava are missing damage effects, making them safe to stand in:

  • The southern sides of some otherwise harmful pools (sectors 1488, 1607, 1404)
  • A few spots in the nukage pipe (sectors 407, 720, 498)
  • A few spots in the nukage cavern (sectors 2197, 2313)

Demo files[edit]

Areas / screenshots[edit]


Routes and tricks[edit]

Current records[edit]

The records for the map at the Doom Speed Demo Archive are:

Run Time Player Date File Notes
UV speed
NM speed
UV max 26:36.54 Dylan Gill (TheV1perK1ller) 2018-03-17
NM 100S
UV -fast
UV -respawn
UV Tyson
UV pacifist
NoMo 5:04.80 Dylan Gill (TheV1perK1ller) 2018-03-17

The data was last verified in its entirety on January 13, 2022.


Player spawns[edit]

This level contains fifteen spawn points:

  1. facing east. (thing 167)
  2. facing north-east. (thing 1577)
  3. facing north-west. (thing 1583)
  4. facing east. (thing 1584)
  5. facing north. (thing 1585)
  6. facing north. (thing 1587)
  7. facing north-west. (thing 1591)
  8. facing north. (thing 1592)
  9. facing west. (thing 1597)
  10. facing north-west. (thing 1598)
  11. facing north-west. (thing 1600)
  12. facing north-west. (thing 1603)
  13. facing east. (thing 1606)
  14. facing south-west. (thing 1607)
  15. facing north-west. (thing 1608)


Map data[edit]

Things 1718
Vertices 18391*
Linedefs 18405
Sidedefs 29489
Sectors 2705
* The vertex count without the effect of node building is 15504.


This level contains the following numbers of things per skill level:

Technical information[edit]

Inspiration and development[edit]

The level originally ended with a teleport into an elevator, which lead to a room where the player had to climb out of a hole in the ground, and activate a switch on one side to enable access to the exit switch on the other. Sarah Mancuso (esselfortium) provided assistance in detailing this final section of the level. However, it was removed from the level before release, as it caused the level to go over Boom's 32767 SEGS limit no matter what node builder was used, crashing the game.


On the automap, to the south of the level, is a message reading "In Memory of Amaster." This is a dedication to fellow Unidoom member Jason Masihdas, who committed suicide on June 14, 2007.

See also[edit]


External links[edit]