MAP15: The Nest (1000 Line Community Project)


1000 Line CP maps
City levels

01 02 03 04 05 06

City/Hell levels

07 08 09 10 11

Hell levels
Techbase levels

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Secret levels

31 32

Bonus levels

33 34

This level occupies the map slot MAP15. For other maps which occupy this slot, see Category:MAP15.

MAP15: The Nest is the fifteenth map of 1000 Line Community Project. It was designed by Paul Corfiatis (pcorf) and uses the music track "Triangle of Fear" by Mark Klem, taken from Memento Mori.


Map of The Nest
Letters in italics refer to marked spots on the map. Sector, thing, and linedef numbers in boldface are secrets which count toward the end-of-level tally.


Take the super shotgun ahead of you then go straight forward to a curved staircase running round a nukage pool. Pick up the shotgun at the bottom of the stairs then go up to the top, fighting your way past zombiemen, imps, lost souls and one or two Hell knights. At the top of the stairs, kill the mancubus that rises from the floor then flip the switch on the north block, which will raise two platforms that you can step over to reach the yellow skull key. Taking the key will open an alcove behind you containing one or two cacodemons, as well as another alcove at ground level containing one or two revenants.

Go back to the curved staircase, where two more alcoves containing imps and knights have opened - halfway up the staircase is a yellow key door that you can open to find a chamber containing the blue skull key, which is on top of a pillar guarded by imps and one or two mancubi (along with a baron of Hell on Ultra-Violence and Nightmare skill levels). Press the skull switch on the east wall (next to a rocket launcher) to lower the north wall and reveal some more imps, then go through it and turn left to see some zombies and an arachnotron guarding another skull switch. Press this switch to open the doors to your left and right, then go through them and up the steps to the arachnotron's platform where you will see a blue skull button. Press this button and kill the knights and revenant that are released from alcoves behind you, then return to the previous room where you can now collect the blue key.

Go through the south door (requiring the blue key) then follow the path east past some zombies, then go up some steps to reach the exit door, which is currently sealed. Head west to some more steps then run across the square platforms (one will have a revenant on it on Hurt Me Plenty (HMP) skill level or higher) until you reach the ledge on the other side of the area. Kill the imps, knights and revenants that are revealed in front of you then follow the ledge west to a skull switch that will open the exit door you passed earlier. Retrace your steps to the door and kill the revenants that were waiting behind it, then step on the white teleporter to move on to MAP16: Virulent Well.

Secret exit[edit]

In the level are two optional switches that will raise a bridge to the secret exit - one is in secret #2, while the other is an unlit lion switch just north-east of the button that lowers the blue key pillar. After pressing both switches and getting the red skull key from secret #4, go to the top of the curved staircase by the yellow key door and head south through a cavern until you reach a marble bridge over a lava pit containing lost souls. Cross the bridge, open the red skull bars at the other side then step on the teleporter to go to MAP31: Among the Stars.

Other points of interest[edit]

After getting the yellow key, two alcoves will open either side of the yellow key door. The north alcove contains a chaingun.


  1. After you get the yellow key, the south-west wall will open with a cacodemon (two on HMP or higher) and a supercharge. You can enter this area by jumping to it. (sector 50)
  2. Grab the yellow key and return to where the yellow key door is to find that two closets on either side have opened. The south closet has a switch - use it, then go back to where you found the yellow key and enter the passage that has opened here. Follow the passage round until you return to secret #1, where an alcove containing a BFG9000 and a switch will open in front of you. (sector 63) The switch is one of two needed to reach the secret exit.
  3. In the area with the switch that lowers the blue key pillar, go south and use the west wall to get a plasma gun and an energy cell pack. Also take note that one of the switches to raise the bridge to the secret exit is nearby; it is the lion switch that is not lit. (sector 163)
  4. In the normal exit room, use the red skull button in the west wall, then head north and drop into the blood, then west until you reach a teleporter. Go west through an open door to a second teleporter which leads to the red key, needed for the secret exit. (sector 102)


Demo files[edit]

Areas / screenshots[edit]


Routes and tricks[edit]

Current records[edit]

The records for the map at the Doom Speed Demo Archive are:

Run Time Player Date File Notes
UV speed (normal exit)
UV speed (secret exit)
NM speed (normal exit)
NM speed (secret exit)
UV max
NM 100S
UV -fast
UV -respawn
UV Tyson
UV pacifist (normal exit)
UV pacifist (secret exit)

The (absence of) data was last verified in its entirety on April 3, 2022.


Player spawns[edit]

This level contains eight spawn points:

  1. facing east. (thing 277)
  2. facing north. (thing 278)
  3. facing west. (thing 279)
  4. facing north. (thing 280)
  5. facing north-west. (thing 281)
  6. facing west. (thing 282)
  7. facing east. (thing 283)
  8. facing north. (thing 284)


Map data[edit]

Things 291
Vertices 906*
Linedefs 1000
Sidedefs 1538
Sectors 217
* The vertex count without the effect of node building is 777.


This level contains the following numbers of things per skill level:

Technical information[edit]

Inspiration and development[edit]


See also[edit]


External links[edit]