MAP16: Cul-de-sac (Doom 2 the Way id Did)


Doom 2 the Way id Did maps 12-20

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11
(12 - 20)
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Secret maps: 31 32
Easter-egg map: 33

This level occupies the map slot MAP16. For other maps which occupy this slot, see Category:MAP16.

MAP16: Cul-De-Sac is the sixteenth map of Doom 2 the Way id Did. It was designed by Walker Wright (Pavera) in the style of Sandy Petersen. The par time defined in the DEHACKED lump is 3:00.


Map of Cul-de-sac
Letters in italics refer to marked spots on the map. Sector, thing, and linedef numbers in boldface are secrets which count toward the end-of-level tally.


Turn around and press the satyr switch behind you to lower the surrounding walls, then drop into the water below and fight your way to the north-west end to find a tunnel to the north end of the map. Dodge the arachnotrons overlooking this area and climb up the steps on the east side to reach a set of red bars, then continue south and east until you see two doors ahead - the left-hand door requires the blue key, but you can open the right-hand door to enter a room with a red-brick structure. Follow the walkway round past various monsters to reach the teleporter at the south end, which goes to the maze at the south end of the map, then fight your way to the south-west corner to find another teleporter that goes to the south-western room. Enter the corridor to the south and follow it round to a skull switch, which will lower the pillar in the blood below holding the blue skull key, but will also release imps (and chaingunners on Hurt Me Plenty (HMP) skill level or higher) into the corridor, then go back round to the key to collect it.

Taking the blue key will open a compartment to the north, revealing three demons and another teleporter. Enter the teleporter, then press the gargoyle switch in front of you to lower the floor and reveal an alcove behind you with an armor; you can press the back wall of the alcove to lower a lift that goes back up to the starting point. Retrace your steps to the blue door you passed earlier and open it to find the yellow skull key, then head west to a small lift and ride it up to a yellow door that you can now pass through. Kill the zombiemen, shotgun guys and imps/revenants waiting in the next room, then press the satyr switch by the east wall to open a teleporter nearby and enter it to go to an area with 16 moving platforms. Collect the red skull key from a platform in front of you, then go to the north-east end to find a lion switch that will lower a teleporter at the opposite end. Enter the teleporter to return to the previous room.

Go back through the yellow door, then follow the stone walkway all the way east, south and west to reach the bridge at the west end of the map. Take the rocket launcher, then cross the bridge and open the red door at the end to find two shotgun guys guarding a skull button, then press the button to open a set of red bars and reveal a teleporter that goes to that location. Drop down the hole in front of you and kill a waiting Hell knight, press the skull switch on the south wall to lower another teleporter then enter it to go to the exit door. Open the door to find a pain elemental (or mancubus on HMP or higher) guarding the exit switch.

Other points of interest[edit]


  1. At the south-west end of the water pool is a triangular platform with a green firestick. Press either side of this platform to lower it and reveal a partial invisibility. (sector 172)
  2. Follow the stone walkway round to its south side. Just before the door you will see that the southern wall texture changes from stone to brick, and that the wall at this point is a different color. Shoot this section of wall to open it, then follow a passage past some lost souls to reach a supercharge. (sector 211)
  3. In secret #2, press the skull switch behind the supercharge to open a teleporter. The teleporter goes to the red-brick structure at the east end of the map, where you can collect a computer area map and two rockets. (sector 99)
  4. As soon as you teleport to the maze area, open the north wall to find a light amplification visor. (sector 215)
  5. Go to the fenced area at the north end of the maze, then press the gargoyle switch on the north-west wall to open a compartment to the south, which holds a megaarmor. (sector 174)
  6. Open the wall in the dark sector east of secret #5 to drop into a small cavern, then press the pillar at the south end to lower it and get a megasphere. (sector 133) Step on the red floor in the south-west corner to teleport back to the maze.
  7. In the moving platform area, step on the dark platform in the north-east corner and let it take you down to a small alcove with a lion switch. The switch opens two walls on either side of the exit teleporter, which have two boxes of rockets behind them. (sector 135)
  8. Entering secret #7 will cause the triangular platforms at the north end of the map to start moving up and down; you can then get on the platforms to get a supercharge, a plasma gun, energy cells, a BFG9000 and an invulnerability. Each platform counts as a separate secret. (sector 55)
  9. See secret #8. (sector 72)
  10. See secret #8. (sector 71)
  11. See secret #8. (sector 66)


A short red pillar with skull (Thing 57) is placed outside of the map.

Demo files[edit]

Areas / screenshots[edit]


Routes and tricks[edit]

Current records[edit]

The records for the map at the Doom Speed Demo Archive are:

Run Time Player Date File Notes
UV speed 1:33.86 Andromeda 2021-03-17
NM speed
UV max 5:56.17 Neil Kloster 2020-08-29
NM 100S 3:03.97 William Striegl 2014-04-12
UV -fast
UV -respawn
UV Tyson
UV pacifist 2:06.23 William Striegl 2014-03-24

The data was last verified in its entirety on January 13, 2022.


Player spawns[edit]

This level contains eight spawn points:

  1. facing north. (thing 3)
  2. facing north-west. (thing 357)
  3. facing east. (thing 359)
  4. facing west. (thing 360)
  5. facing south-east. (thing 366)
  6. facing west. (thing 395)
  7. facing east. (thing 440)
  8. facing west. (thing 442)


Map data[edit]

Things 470
Vertices 1132*
Linedefs 1257
Sidedefs 1806
Sectors 218
* The vertex count without the effect of node building is 989.


This level contains the following numbers of things per skill level:

Technical information[edit]

Inspiration and development[edit]


See also[edit]


External links[edit]