MAP17: Watch Your Step (Doom 64)


Doom 64 maps 11-20

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
(11 - 20)
21 22 23 24 28
Secret maps: 29 30 31 32
Fun levels: 25 26 27
Title map: 33
The Lost Levels: 34 35 36 37 38 39
Fun level: 40

This level occupies the map slot MAP17. For other maps which occupy this slot, see Category:MAP17.

MAP17: Watch Your Step is the seventeenth level of Doom 64, designed by Danny Lewis. It uses the music track "Blood Red Shadows".

It begins in a large, empty arena-like area, with a sealed-off exit and a hallway. This hallway contains various weapons, including a BFG9000, and leads into a square room with an elevated area in the center. Ammo is strewn about, and the area is devoid of enemies, until the player steps on certain tiles. If the player doesn't "watch their step", they will be hopelessly swarmed with demons. The music for this level is the same as the music from PlayStation Doom which appears on MAP02: Plant, MAP14: Halls of the Damned and MAP48: Nirvana. The music resembles a sad track with strange sounds to go along with it. The level ends with a huge battle against wave after wave of demons, culminating in a battle with twin cyberdemons, provided the player is playing on Watch Me Die skill.


Map of Watch Your Step
Letters in italics refer to marked spots on the map. Sector and Thing numbers in boldface are secrets which count toward the end-of-level tally.


The player begins in a large open arena with a stone structure in the middle. There are no signs of monsters of any kind to be found just yet, but there are some heavy weapons set on posts along the walls. Head for the large pathway to the other section of the map, collecting a backpack and a BFG along the way.

In the other section, there is a square path lined with tiles that goes around a dense, round structure. The tiles on the path trigger the appearance of lots of monsters including pinkies, Hell knights, cacodemons, lost souls, and pain elementals. You must traverse these tiles until you trip the one that causes the blue skull key to appear in the far corner. The key grants you access to the inside of the round structure and after tripping all the tiles and killing all the monsters, you have to head into the structure through the mesh gate. Kill the pain elemental that is beyond the gate and continue on.

You need to take an elevator to the upper level of the structure and dispatch the imps guarding the teleporter in the center. Go into the teleporter and it takes you to a frontage hall where you will have to kill sergeants. You will then have to go across the frontage hall to the teleporter on the other side which takes you to a smaller frontage hall with a berserk powerup available which will trigger the appearance of imps, cacodemons, and pain elementals. Kill all monsters, then head back to the large open arena where you first started.

Immediately after returning to the large open arena, many monsters will begin appearing progressively in waves as you kill them. This starts with sergeants, and continues with imps, demons, Hell knights, mancubi and arachnotrons, and finally, your first encounter with the cyberdemon (two on WMD difficulty). Abundant sources of ammunition and health also appear in the corners of the arena. Once all monsters and cyberdemons are killed, gates will open giving you access to the exit.


  1. To access both secrets, take the teleporter in the middle structure. As soon as you exit the southwest teleporter, shoot straight ahead to hit a switch, which will open a door behind the teleporter you are currently on. Activate the switch in the secret room (sector 153), and repeat the same procedure with the second teleporter you need to take in the north west that takes you to the teleporter and secret room (sector 150) in the southeast. Doing this will open up the secret alcoves containing a megasphere (which is in plain sight as you enter the first arena) and an invincibility artifact, located at the hallway before the arena.
  2. See Secret #1.

Areas / screenshots[edit]


Routes and tricks[edit]

When traversing the tiles in the area with the large round structure, you can walk off to the side of them to avoid triggering the appearance of monsters until you're ready for them. Running over the tiles immediately is dangerous because it can trigger the appearance of monsters en masse and make it quite chaotic to deal with them.

After you unlock access to the invincibility and mega sphere powerups, save them for the fight with the cyberdemons. With each one having 4000 HP and their rockets having the potential to kill the player instantly even with max health and armor, these will greatly increase the odds of surviving your encounter with them.

By the time you've reached this map, you should have 2 of the 3 demon artifacts (the third one is not accessible until after the secret exit is taken in MAP18: Spawned Fear). These will make the Unmaker fire dual laser streams which are fueled by your energy cell reserves. It should be significantly powerful enough to deal with the cyberdemons with little to no effort.

While using invincibility, you can also charge at the cyberdemons with your BFG and fire a point-blank shot at them, dealing massive damage. However it can take 3 to 4 shots with the BFG to kill them. Energy cell packs can be found in the corners of the arena and near where the cyberdemons appeared as you may need them to fuel the voracious appetite of the BFG.

Current records[edit]


Map data[edit]

Things 274
Vertices 1877*
Linedefs 1900
Sidedefs 2824
Sectors 167
* The vertex count without the effect of node building is 1464.


This level contains the following numbers of things per skill level:

Monsters 1-2 3 4
Zombieman 3 5 7
Shotgun guy 5 8 13
Imp 11 13 17
Lost soul 6 10 16
Demon 5 7 9
Spectre 1
Cacodemon 3 2 2
Pain elemental 1 3 3
Hell knight 7 11 13
Arachnotron 2 3 4
Mancubus 2 3 4
Cyberdemon 1 1 2
Weapons 1-2 3 4
Shotgun 1
Super shotgun 1
Chaingun 1
Rocket launcher 1
Plasma gun 1
BFG9000 1
Ammunition 1-2 3 4
Box of bullets 5
4 shotgun shells 5
Box of shotgun shells 3
Rocket 17
Box of rockets 8
Energy cell pack 3
Health & Armor 1-2 3 4
Stimpack 12
Medikit 2
Megaarmor 1
Items 1-2 3 4
Armor bonus 7
Health bonus 14
Megasphere 1
Backpack 1
Berserk 2
Invulnerability 1
Keys 1-2 3 4
Blue skull key 1
Miscellaneous 1-2 3 4
Teleport landing 4
Trigger 55


  • The cavernous hallway which leads to the secret invulnerability sphere contains the heavily stylized letters "TEK" on the floor as pools of blood. These letters are a reference to "tekno", an alternate nickname for the map's author, Danny "Technoman" Lewis.[1]
  • The final arena of Kadingir Sanctum in Doom (2016) was deliberately designed to resemble the opening area of this map, which was pointed out by its designer on Twitter.[2] Similarities include the Stonehenge-like pillar layout with overlapping crossbars at different vertical levels, and the nature of the battle which takes place there as well - enemies continue to appear in shortly spread-out waves which increase in strength by varying the type of monster, starting with imps and culminating with barons of Hell. Other similarities not confirmed by the map's author include the color of the sky in both areas, and the relative positions of their exits compared to the temple structure.

External links[edit]


  1. Heydelaar, Tim (21 January 2019). "Early and unused DOOM 64 Level Designs." Doomworld Forums. Retrieved 22 January 2019.
  2. @JunctionEight (21 April 2017). "The last fight in Kadingir Sanctum actually had some elements that paid homage to the Doom 64 level, Watch Your Step. #doom." Twitter. Retrieved 5 September 2017.