MAP19: Blessed are the Quick (Icarus: Alien Vanguard)
Icarus maps 12-20 |
11 |
MAP19: Blessed are the Quick is the nineteenth level of Icarus: Alien Vanguard. It takes place in a cathedral on Beta Pictoris 3, and was designed by Rand Phares.
Open the door at the start and press the switch at the hall to open the door to the main room. Head straight across, up the stairs to the door, and press the switch there to open the hall. Head down either hall to the right and go towards the teleporter. Look out for demons that emerge from the rainy exterior as you approach it though. In the green hall you appear in, press the switch on the left and look out for teleporting enemies as you take the teleporter back to the main room. The blue skull key is available, so take it, kill the demons, and take the wall next to the blue bars on the east. Press the switch here to lower the blue bars around the next door and hit the switch there to enter the hall behind it. Take either side hall to the chapel then go all the way east until you reach a teleporter with a computer area map behind it. Taking the teleporter, press the switch you see then return to the main room to retrieve the yellow skull key. Open the door near the yellow bars and then lower them with the switch. Proceed through the next hall to a fork. Go left and take the teleporter at the end of the stairs. When you emerge, press the switch behind you to lower the stairs. In the next room are imps and a switch. The switch does nothing, but you will be locked in the room for 30 seconds while enemies attack you from the bars. When the bars open, head to the back side of the hall where the baron of Hell is and hit both switches here. Head into the room with the lava pool to find two teleporters and the red keycard. Take either teleporter and return to the main room, looking out for monsters inside it. Take the yellow path again to the fork and head right this time up the stairs. The path should be open, so take the teleporter. In the small courtyard, kill the monsters, grab the BFG9000, and take the teleporter near the end of the path. Press the furthest panel on the right to exit.
Other points of interest[edit]
- At the east of the map, walk up the stairs onto the platform with the rocket launcher to open a bookshelf behind you, revealing either a chaingunner (on easy) or a revenant (on medium and hard skills). Enter the alcove he came from to find a switch. Flip it to lower the backpack in the nexus's center, return there and reenter the compartment north of the eastern exit (where you used a gargoyle switch to lower the blue bars before) to find that a lion switch has been revealed there. (sector 194) Trigger it to lower the energy cell next to the backpack in the center for acquisition.
- The compartment where you find the red keycard counts as a secret. (sector 170)
There are some pairs of unavoidable (at least one of each pair is triggered by at least player #1) only once usable walkover Linedefs arranged like an upside-down V on the platform where coop players spawn, opening doors that stay closed and closing doors/raising floors that stay opened/lowered in a deathmatch.
Concerning closing doors/raising floors: some of these have to be opened/lowered again in further map progress by using switches. Since it is possible to trigger only one walkover Linedef of each pair, then use the only, once usable switch (with the same Tag), reverting the effect and then (after a respawn) triggering the unused Linedef, a player may trap his team, preventing it from exiting the map.
- Tag 17: Linedefs 102 and 2443 (Type 119 - W1 Floor Raise to Next Higher Floor) and Linedef 1372 (Type 23 - S1 Floor Lower to Lowest Floor); first walkover raises the blue bars (sector 119), using the switch lowers these again. A possible second walkover raises these once more for good.
- Tag 13: Linedefs 2418 and 2441 (Type 5 - W1 Floor Raise to Lowest Ceiling) and Linedef 1870 (Type 23 - S1 Floor Lower to Lowest Floor); first walkover raises the backpack (on sector 83) and closes the door (sector 193) to secret#1, using the switch (in the bookshelf mentioned in secret #1) lowers/opens these again. A possible second walkover raises/closes these once more for good.
- Tag 15: Linedefs 2419 and 2440 (Type 5 - W1 Floor Raise to Lowest Ceiling) and Linedef 2851 (Type 23 - S1 Floor Lower to Lowest Floor); first walkover raises the blue skull key (on sector 81), using the switch lowers the sector again. A possible second walkover raises it once more for good.
- Tag 29: Linedefs 2438 and 2439 (Type 5 - W1 Floor Raise to Lowest Ceiling) and Linedef 1505 (Type 23 - S1 Floor Lower to Lowest Floor); first walkover raises the yellow skull key (on sector 80), using the switch lowers the sector again. A possible second walkover raises it once more for good.
- Tag 16: 13 walkover Linedefs (98 - 101 and 138 - 146, all Type 130 - W1 Floor Raise to Next Higher Floor (fast)), surrounding the players' spawn platform and Linedef 1358 (Type 23 - S1 Floor Lower to Lowest Floor); first walkover raises the yellow bars (sector 112), using the switch lowers these again. Any possible further walkover raises these once more for good.
- Tag 43: A single walkover Linedef (0, Type 5 - W1 Floor Raise to Lowest Ceiling) that is used when player #1 moves northwards from his spawnpoint and Linedef 2102 (in secret #1, Type 23 - S1 Floor Lower to Lowest Floor); in case player #1 is inactive while the rest of the team is progressing in the map, using the switch inside secret #1 to lower the there mentioned energy cell (on sector 82), after then player #1 awakens and moves on, the energy cell is raised again for good.
- In case of an inactive player #1, only Tag 16 walkover Linedefs are triggered by players #2 and #3 (and in addition Tag 29 and possibly Tag 15 Linedefs by player #4) when these players move straight northwards from their spawn position, causing the map's exit is unreachable (until player #1 moves or a player respawns to trigger "his" Linedefs).
These bugs are present only in multiplayer, as in single-player mode, the player cannot return to the spawn platform as it is to high to climb on (unless jumping is enabled).
To avoid this: on the players' spawn platform go to the southernmost wall, the southwestern corner and move straight northwards to the platform's edge. Return to the southernmost wall and walk from the southeastern corner straight northwards to the platform's edge. Walk over the platform's edges, trying to trigger each Tag 16 walkover linedef: The western and eastern sides each consist of two of these linedefs, while the northwestern, the northern and the northeastern sides each consist of three of these.
Demo files[edit]
Areas / screenshots[edit]
Routes and tricks[edit]
Current records[edit]
The records for the map at the Doom Speed Demo Archive are:
Run | Time | Player | Date | File | Notes |
UV speed | 1:03.34 | vdgg | 2020-08-22 | | |
NM speed | 1:11.97 | Andrea Rovenski (Cyberdemon531) | 2023-06-17 | | |
UV max | 3:16.80 | Erick Tenorio (GuyNamedErick) | 2018-04-02 | | |
NM 100S | |||||
UV -fast | 5:08.66 | Andrea Rovenski (Cyberdemon531) | 2023-02-12 | | |
UV -respawn | |||||
UV Tyson | 19:18.94 | vdgg | 2014-07-01 | | |
UV pacifist | |||||
NoMo | 0:25.51 | depr4vity | 2020-09-12 | | |
NoMo 100S | 4:59.97 | TeamTNT | 1996-04-17 | | Walkthrough demo |
The data was last verified in its entirety on June 24, 2023.
Miscellaneous demos[edit]
Run | Time | Player | Date | File | Notes |
UV speed co-op | 00:09 | Sergey Kapustin Eugene Kapustin |
2007-01-15 | |
The data was last verified in its entirety on January 16, 2022.
Player spawns[edit]
This level contains four spawn points:
- facing west. (thing 4)
- facing south-east. (thing 218)
- facing east. (thing 334)
- facing north-east. (thing 336)
Map data[edit]
Things | 367 |
Vertices | 2785* |
Linedefs | 2854 |
Sidedefs | 1299 |
Sectors | 316 |
This level contains the following numbers of things per skill level: