MAP22: Borderlands (Doom 2 the Way id Did)
Doom 2 the Way id Did maps 21-30 |
11 |
MAP22: Borderlands is the twenty-second map of Doom 2 the Way id Did. It was designed by Richard Frei (Tarnsman). The par time defined in the DEHACKED lump is 2:00.
This map consists of a number of buildings above a lava pit; you begin in the north building.
Head west past a couple of zombiemen to the end of the ledge and run off it to land in the north-west building, which contains more zombies. Collect the megaarmor in the water then walk south to get back outside, then enter the teleporter behind you to teleport to the south-west area of the map. Kill the shotgun guy and chaingunners in front of you, blow up the barrels next to them then follow the passage round to a ledge with a rocket launcher. Drop to the ground and walk south and east to a wooden door, go through it and kill any chaingunners who are waiting inside the building then head up to the top of the concrete stairs to get back outside, then run east to a teleporter guarded by a Hell knight. The teleporter will send you to a dark ledge above the starting area - walk west until you encounter an arch-vile guarding a skull switch, press that switch then walk through the southern window to drop to the ground. A bridge will rise from the lava, which leads to the blue keycard; on Ultra-Violence and Nightmare skill levels, watch out for a baron of Hell that is released behind the key as you pick it up.
Retrace your steps to get back to the grassy area in the south-west corner of the map, then go to the southern building and use the blue door in its west wall to gain entry. Kill the arachnotron waiting on the other side of the room, then walk south and east to a white teleporter that goes to the building on the east side of the map. Kill two waiting shotgun guys then run west to jump off the end of the ledge and land on a walkway below, which you can follow round to its west side, passing one or two pain elementals that have been released, to find an arachnotron guarding a switch. Flip the switch to lower a lift leading up to another teleporter, enter it then run straight forward, down some steps and through a blood pool to reach the exit sky.
Other points of interest[edit]
- At the start, go down the steps in front of you. After crossing the bottom step, run back up the stairs and go south to a lift that has lowered, revealing four health bonuses and a chainsaw. (sector 75)
- Drop into the lava around the starting building and run round to its north-east side to find a teleporter to the southern-most building, which contains a BFG9000. Shoot the cracked wall behind this weapon to find five health bonuses, a stimpack and a supercharge. (sector 66)
- In the north-west building, ignore the teleporter and go down the steps next to it to find some health bonuses, then walk east to find a backpack in an alcove. (sector 69)
- In the south-west area of the map, enter the marble-brick building and press the bloodstained wall at the west end to open a passage around the blood pool (do not fall in the blood as it as inescapable) containing several armor bonuses, which leads to a teleporter. (sector 169) The teleporter goes to the building to the south, which holds two piles of shotgun shells and a plasma gun.
- In the western of the two central buildings, go to the top of the stairs and open the misaligned section of the west wall, then drop into the seemingly empty platform behind it. (sector 98) Open the middle part of the west wall, which has a different texture, to reveal a lift to the megasphere you could previously see from the balcony with the rocket launcher.
- As soon as you teleport to the raised section of the starting building, turn around and open the wall with the electricity symbol behind you to open it, then go round the corner to find a megasphere. (sector 93)
- Carefully walk over the ledge opposite secret #6 to drop down to two energy cell packs. (sector 58) The teleporter here will take you back up.
- After taking the teleporter behind the blue door, drop into the lava and run round to the east side of the building. Lower the metal lift here, kill a knight and go up to find a teleporter to a ledge above the exit room, containing a supercharge. (sector 14) Going through the teleporter again will take you back the building across from secret #3.
- After dropping to the walkway around the eastern central building, drop into the lava on the inner side of the walkway to find a teleporter to a hidden alcove with two energy cell packs. (sector 185)
- Still in the eastern central building, ride the lift up but do not enter the teleporter. Instead, run west and jump out of the window; the wall of the opposite building will open and reveal two chaingunners, along with a lift leading up to the arachnotron platform in the western central building, where you will find a computer area map. (sector 26)
Demo files[edit]
Areas / screenshots[edit]
Routes and tricks[edit]
Current records[edit]
The records for the map at the Doom Speed Demo Archive are:
Run | Time | Player | Date | File | Notes |
UV speed | 0:33.71 | Krankdud | 2014-05-21 | | |
NM speed | |||||
UV max | 4:06.11 | eLim | 2019-03-23 | | |
NM 100S | |||||
UV -fast | |||||
UV -respawn | |||||
UV Tyson | |||||
UV pacifist | |||||
NoMo | 0:24.94 | Aleksey Kamenev (4shockblast) | 2015-01-28 | | |
NoMo 100S | 1:55.66 | eLim | 2019-03-21 | |
The data was last verified in its entirety on January 13, 2022.
Player spawns[edit]
This level contains five spawn points:
- facing south-west. (thing 26)
- facing south-east. (thing 167)
- facing south-west. (thing 177)
- facing north-west. (thing 234)
- facing north. (thing 256)
Map data[edit]
Things | 268 |
Vertices | 1021* |
Linedefs | 1132 |
Sidedefs | 1512 |
Sectors | 187 |
This level contains the following numbers of things per skill level: