MAP25: Black Tower (Master Levels)
Cabal maps |
Black Tower is a map that is part of the Master Levels for Doom II. It was designed by Sverre André Kvernmo (Cranium), and is contained in the file BLACKTWR.WAD.
In the version for Doom + Doom II, this level uses the music track "The End of DOOM".
The ground floor[edit]
There are four courtyards on the ground floor. You start in the western courtyard. The southern courtyard is optional.
In the starting area of the western courtyard, enter the tower. Inside the tower, open the eastern door to get to the eastern courtyard, where you can flip the switch that unlocks the teleporter area in the center of the tower. Return to the tower and go through the northern door leading to the northern courtyard. There, go to the alcove located in the far corner of the courtyard. In the alcove, press the skull switch that unlocks another switch in the tower. Return to the tower and press the now-uncovered switch that creates a large staircase. Walk upstairs, then head over the bridge. Kill the barons of Hell guarding the way forward, then enter the teleporter marked with water on the ceiling.
The first floor[edit]
In order to get to the second floor, you will need to lower the north-western platform. There are four such platforms on this floor, however, besides the north-western one, they are optional and contain various supplies, and can be lowered by interacting with the hanged bodies in the teleport room.
In the dark area, press a switch in the western small alcove that contains a chainsaw. Proceed to the eastern side and press a similar switch near the cell with a chaingunner in it. The cell will open. Walk under the now raised fence and press the button that unlocks the pen with an arch-vile in the northern part. Enter the unlocked pen and open the wall in the middle, behind which is a baron of Hell and a button. A crusher will be activated behind you, so be careful. Leave the pen and stand on the north-western platform that is lowered temporarily. You will be teleported to the second floor.
The second floor[edit]
Leave the damaging floor room. Walk around the circular corridor until you reach the eastern door, then go through it. Open another door behind it, then another door in the next area. Behind that door is a teleporter that will take you to the next floor.
The third floor[edit]
Go towards the central area, where you will find a switch. Going near it will cause walls to rise around you and four barons of Hell to come out of the floor. Press the switch in the middle to lower the yellow key, then lower the walls by pressing the gargoyle button in the south-western corner of the trap. Kill the enemies and grab the yellow key. Open the wall marked with green vines in the north-eastern part. In the following room, approach the other side, which will cause a door to open. Enter the alcove and press the button there. The button unlocks the teleporter in the centre of the room. Enter the teleporter.
The fourth floor[edit]
Once you leave the teleporter pad, it will be raised. To lower it, use the switch in the southern part of the room. In the northern part, open the western segment of the baron texture, marked by a candle. Behind it, there will be two arch-viles. Kill them and then go into the teleporter.
The roof[edit]
Once you step out of the central cabin you were teleported to, it will be locked. Interact with the southern segment of the western cabin, marked by a baron face. Inside it, use the dead body to unlock the northern cabin. Enter it from west, then press on the blood-spewing gargoyle inside. Doing this will unlock the eastern cabin and the red key room on the third floor. Enter that cabin to unlock the southern one. The area will darken and a cyberdemon will be revealed from the southern cabin. Get the blue key from the southern cabin and press the skull button here to unlock the middle cabin. Go back to the middle cabin to return to the fourth floor.
Returning to the ground level[edit]
When you return to the fourth floor, it will be repopulated with pain elementals and lost souls which you will need to kill. Unlock the central teleporter by pressing the switch on the southern wall and go through it to go back to the third floor.
After returning to the third floor, the walls may be back up, in which case lower them exactly as you did previously. Afterwards, kill the enemies which have teleported in and proceed to the north-western room where you have unlocked the teleporter before. There, you can now find a bright alcove with a medikit, a computer area map, and the red key. Now escape this floor by entering the western teleporter.
On the second floor, return to the circular corridor, now repopulated with various enemies, walk around it and then enter the western alcove with the damaging floor, then enter the teleporter inside.
On the first floor, drop down from the raised platform into the main room, now containing a lot of imps, and enter the room with the teleporter leading back to the ground floor.
After returning to the ground floor, you will immediately be attacked by a lot of imps, demons, and other enemies. Drop down to the floor and press the switch in the southwestern section of the room, which lowers all barriers outside. Leave the tower by going through the eastern door (the staircase blocks all the other doors), and proceed to the western courtyard. Once there, walk down the road and then down the stairs leading underground. Open both of the locked doors and drop down to the red cave, but be careful, as the floor inside the red cave is highly damaging lava. Inside of the red cave, open a section of the wall locked by the red key. Proceed inside the cave to end this level.
Other points of interest[edit]
- When you visit the fourth floor again, the northern alcove containing ammo and a soul sphere will open. Entering this alcove opens the door leading to this secret. On the second floor, go to the alcove located in the western part of the corridor. Press the blue skull button there, which reveals another button in the north-eastern section of the circular hallway. After pressing it, return to that western alcove, where a tunnel has opened. Go through the tunnel (sector 235) and take the berserk pack on the blood well at the end.
- When you first enter the second floor, turn around while standing on the teleporter and open the wall containing a cell pack. (sector 230)
- After taking the berserk pack in secret #1, return to the western alcove. Another small room containing a spectre, a stimpack, and a switch is opened. (sector 207) The switch lowers a platform with a soulsphere in the exit cave.
- Inside the tower of the ground floor, walk upstairs until you reach the last step. Open the black wall to the east to enter the secret alcove containing two cells, a green armor and a fake wall behind which there are four imps, a box of rockets and a megasphere. (sector 241)
- On the second floor, walk around the circular hallway until you reach the southern section, where you will find two doors. Open the left one, then open another door behind it and press on the switch. Then, return to the circular hallway and proceed to the right door, where you will find that a section of the eastern wall has opened, revealing several health bonuses, a light amplification visor, and a plasma gun. This switch also opens another door in the eastern section, behind which is a green armor and four boxes of shotgun shells.
On the ground floor of the tower, it is possible for an enemy to fall through the step next to the soul sphere switch (sector 221) on the spiral staircase, leaving them blocking your path. The only way to kill them is via rocket splash damage, or shooting the wall of the stair (linedef 1312) from below with projectiles such as from the plasma gun, as projectiles can slightly penetrate thin walls.
On the first floor of the tower, cacodemons in the western, eastern and northern windows often do not float high enough to come through the windows, instead wedging themselves into the narrowed corners of the area they are placed in. These monsters can be manipulated to move out of these corners by visiting other floors, but they can be killed quicker with rocket splash from a precise shot on the window sides or off of another cacodemon.
An invisible trigger (linedef 150) is placed in front of the central button on the third floor, which blocks use attempts on the button. The player must get closer than seems necessary to be able to press this button.
On the second floor, an arch-vile is mixed in with monsters that tend to bottleneck at doors that open and close, making it very likely for crushed monsters to get resurrected and become ghost monsters.
It is possible to land on the pillar in the black tower and press the switch in the air (linedef 1479) before it is revealed to lower the walls around the black tower early.
There are a couple of missing textures appearing as flat bleeds:
- On the first stair on the ground floor of the tower, facing east (linedef 1)
- On the raised floor facing into the opened red skull key closet (linedef 1290)
Demo files[edit]
Areas / screenshots[edit]
Slime trails[edit]
Routes and tricks[edit]
Current records[edit]
The records for the map at the Doom Speed Demo Archive are:
Run | Time | Player | Date | File | Notes |
UV speed | 0:18.31 | Serge Marudov (Never_Again) | 2009-10-22 | | UV Speed utilizing an Intercepts Overflow glitch |
NM speed | |||||
UV max | 12:21.57 | Yousuf Anik | 2016-02-15 | | |
NM 100S | 4:46.20 | Jean-Charles Dorne (JCD) | 2021-07-09 | | |
UV -fast | 15:37.80 | Coincident | 2020-04-28 | | |
UV -respawn | |||||
UV Tyson | |||||
UV pacifist | |||||
NoMo | 2:49.29 | Ledmeister | 2000-09-25 | |
The data was last verified in its entirety on January 15, 2023.
Player spawns[edit]
This level contains four spawn points:
- facing south. (thing 4)
- facing west. (thing 5)
- facing south. (thing 6)
- facing west. (thing 7)
Map data[edit]
Things | 889 |
Vertices | 1622* |
Linedefs | 1490 |
Sidedefs | 2131 |
Sectors | 256 |
This level contains the following numbers of things per skill level: