MAP27: MAP13 - Camp Blood (Switcheroom 2)


Switcheroom 2 maps 21-30

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
(21 - 30)
Secret maps: 31 32

This level occupies the map slot MAP27. For other maps which occupy this slot, see Category:MAP27.

MAP27: MAP13 - Camp Blood is the twenty-seventh map of Switcheroom 2. It was designed by Matt Powell (cannonball) and uses the music track "Excalibur" by Lee Jackson, originally used in Rise of the Triad. It is based on the layout of MAP13: Downtown.


Map of MAP13 - Camp Blood
Letters in italics refer to marked spots on the map. Sector, thing, and linedef numbers in boldface are secrets which count toward the end-of-level tally.


You begin in a tunnel at the south end of the map. Follow the tunnel outside, noting the Hell knights that are released behind you, then head south-west past an arrow-shaped column to a staircase and climb it to enter the south-west building. Drop into the blood below and kill some imps that teleport in, then drop down the hole in the north-west corner and kill a pain elemental before heading north to a lift. Ride the lift up to a second building and dispose of a waiting knight and revenant, then continue north into a third building and open the northern door here to find a cyberdemon guarding the blue skull key. The cyberdemon will teleport to the blood pool near the center of the map when it sees you, letting you take the key and enter the teleporter behind it to go back to the starting point.

Retrace your steps to the second building (the one you accessed using the lift) then run east to land on the vine-covered tower below. Open the blue door here (which has an arch-vile behind it on Ultra-Violence and Nightmare skill levels) and press the gargoyle switch to lower a teleporter, which goes to the northernmost structure where you can collect the red skull key. Go to the south-east building and open the red door here to face some revenants, then approach the wooden block at the east end to lower it like a lift. Ride the lift up until it stops, then look north to see the yellow skull key (guarded by an arch-vile on Hurt Me Plenty or higher) and run down to land on it; this will cause one to three arch-viles to teleport to the north end of the map. Now go to the north-west building and open the yellow door here, collect the berserk pack then step in the lava to finish the level.

Other points of interest[edit]

The building east of the central blood pool contains a plasma gun and ammo. Taking the weapon causes a group of imps to teleport in around you.


  1. In the south-west building, flip the north switch and get on the west lift. Ride up and find the corner without the torch. Go south-west and into the opening to find a teleporter, which leads onto the wall west of the start. Go north and jump to the building to get a BFG9000, energy cell pack and medikit. (sector 3)
  2. Go back to the lift mentioned in secret #1. At the south end, there is half of a switch on the south-east metal part of the lift. Use it to open the south wall, which leads outside to armor bonuses, an energy cell pack and a berserk pack. (sector 98)
  3. In the south-west building, head north-west into the blood and take a lift up to the next building. Use the north-east wall to find an energy cell pack. (sector 185)
  4. Head up the steps in the building east of the exit building. With the blue key, use the switch to open a nearby wall leading to an invulnerability, energy cell pack, and medikit. (sector 169)
  5. Head north-east from the building where secret #4 is to the pyramid. Head behind it and use the middle of the back wall to find a megaarmor. (sector 199)
  6. On the east rocks, head all the way to the south end, then west and jump north-west onto the wall east of the starting point. From here, you can jump north to get five health bonuses, five armor bonuses and five backpacks. (sector 7)
  7. Open the blue door and use the switch to lower the teleporter, but do not go in. Instead, head south of this building to see a switch. Use it and head east towards the walls at the starting point. From here, go north and east, using the switch to lower a lift. Take it up, then head south to a double teleporter. This takes you to a computer area map. (sector 139)


Demo files[edit]

Areas / screenshots[edit]


Routes and tricks[edit]

Current records[edit]

The records for the map at the Doom Speed Demo Archive are:

Run Time Player Date File Notes
UV speed
NM speed
UV max
NM 100S
UV -fast
UV -respawn
UV Tyson
UV pacifist

The (absence of) data was last verified in its entirety on August 1, 2024.


Player spawns[edit]

This level contains eight spawn points:

  1. facing north-west. (thing 309)
  2. facing north-east. (thing 326)
  3. facing east. (thing 329)
  4. facing north-west. (thing 333)
  5. facing east. (thing 334)
  6. facing south-west. (thing 335)
  7. facing north. (thing 336)
  8. facing south-east. (thing 337)


Map data[edit]

Things 521
Vertices 1523*
Linedefs 1717
Sidedefs 2449
Sectors 248
* The vertex count without the effect of node building is 1387.


This level contains the following numbers of things per skill level:

Technical information[edit]

Inspiration and development[edit]


See also[edit]


External links[edit]