MAP29: The Mortal Coil (Doom 2 the Way id Did)
Doom 2 the Way id Did maps 21-30 |
11 |
MAP29: The Mortal Coil is the twenty-ninth map of Doom 2 the Way id Did. It was designed by Sarah Mancuso (esselfortium). The par time defined in the DEHACKED lump is 5:45.
Climb up the stairs to a plasma gun, then drop down the hole in front of you to land in a lava cave. Run west along a narrow ledge to jump into a marble room, kill the zombies and imps at the south end then press the lion switch behind them to lower the west wall and reveal a revenant - the switch will also lower to reveal a Hell knight. Step through the wall you just lowered and kill any waiting chaingunners and lost souls, press a skull switch at the west end then go north-east through a wall that opens to face some imps and shotgun guys. The way forward is guarded by one or two arachnotrons and a baron of Hell, but be mindful of the green torches in this area - stepping past the first torch will open the south wall to reveal one or two revenants, and stepping past the second torch will open a ledge in the nearby lava holding an arch-vile. Go north up some steps, kill one or two chaingunners that are revealed on a ledge at the top then step west into a damaging blood pool.
Run to the platform in the south-west corner to get a rocket launcher, destroy any approaching lost souls from here then press the skull switch next to the bookcases to lower the blood, revealing more imps and zombies along with spectres. Press the gargoyle switch in the spectres' compartment to lower a lift with a baron, ride it up then go east until you reach a room with a wooden floor that holds various monsters. Step on the white lift in the north-east corner to go to the floor below, kill the spectres and knights waiting at the bottom then press the gargoyle switch at the west end to reveal a skull switch behind it (along with a baron on Hurt Me Plenty (HMP) skill level or higher), which will lower the barrier blocking the exit doorway. Go through that doorway, head south over a narrow ledge then west past a marble column, which lowers to reveal four cacodemons, to a lift that will lower automatically. Ride the lift up, then run south to land on top of the column where you will find a teleporter to the north-east corner of the map.
As soon as you are teleported, run straight forward to grab a supercharge and avoid two spectres behind you, then continue east past a knight and climb some steps to find a megaarmor (armor on HMP or higher) next to a yellow door. Enter the neighboring cavern and go west and south up some narrow steps, kill a few waiting zombies then walk east up another ledge to reach a wooden platform, then press the satyr switch here to raise a platform at the south end of the cavern. Cross this platform to an opening in the wall, then go up a few steps to find a baron guarding the yellow skull key. Go back to the yellow door and kill an arch-vile that has been released, then go through the door and head north and west along a wooden walkway to find more steps leading down. Continue south until you get to another set of steps, climb them then continue south to reach the marble platform at the center of the map.
As you start walking along the platform, the wooden block in the middle will lower to reveal a spiderdemon which you can kill or ignore. Flip the skull lever on the south side of the platform to open a door at the west end, revealing a cacodemon (and pain elementals on HMP or higher), then go through that door and head down a staircase; a wall at the bottom will lower to reveal a red cavern. Go down some narrow steps to an arachnotron guarding a megasphere (on HMP or higher, otherwise it is placed at the top of the steps), then go into the final room to find several barons clustered around a metal block. Fight your way to the east end of the room to press a skull switch, which will lower the block and reveal the sky teleporter that ends the level.
Other points of interest[edit]
- After dropping down the hole at the start, drop into the lava below and head south into a small opening. The lift you find counts as a secret. (sector 170)
- After taking the lift in secret #1, you will find three corridors with hidden teleporters, containing an invulnerability, a backpack and a medikit. The first corridor teleports you to the second, the second to the third and the third to the first; go down the third corridor to reach the secret. (sector 179)
- After collecting the radiation shielding suit in the blood pool, run back out, drop into the lava and go north until you find a red rocky crevice, then go all the way and enter the teleporter behind the corner to reach the arch-vile platform, which holds a medikit and a super shotgun. (sector 143)
Demo files[edit]
Areas / screenshots[edit]
Routes and tricks[edit]
Current records[edit]
The records for the map at the Doom Speed Demo Archive are:
Run | Time | Player | Date | File | Notes |
UV speed | 1:32.06 | William Striegl | 2014-04-15 | | |
NM speed | |||||
UV max | 6:24.94 | Guanlan Chen (GarrettChan) | 2022-10-30 | | |
NM 100S | 2:49.43 | William Striegl | 2014-04-13 | | |
UV -fast | |||||
UV -respawn | |||||
UV Tyson | |||||
UV pacifist |
The data was last verified in its entirety on November 6, 2022.
Player spawns[edit]
This level contains ten spawn points:
- facing south. (thing 378)
- facing west. (thing 379)
- facing north. (thing 380)
- facing south. (thing 408)
- facing north-west. (thing 409)
- facing east. (thing 410)
- facing south. (thing 411)
- facing south. (thing 412)
- facing west. (thing 413)
- facing south. (thing 414)
Map data[edit]
Things | 418 |
Vertices | 1500* |
Linedefs | 1699 |
Sidedefs | 2158 |
Sectors | 249 |
This level contains the following numbers of things per skill level: