Matthew Dixon (Mattrim)


(Redirected from Matthew "Mattrim" Dixon)

Matthew Dixon (aka Mattrim of Amber) was a Doomer from Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada known for creating intricate deathmatch PWADs with medieval brick buildings. His Amber series, released in 1996, caught the attention of Anthony Czerwonka (Adelusion), leading Matt to be added to the GothicDM team alongside local friend Daniel Twomey (The Waffle King). Each successive map created by Matt became more focused on increasing texturing details. His Gothic 99 contributions are seen by some as the most excessively detailed Doom II levels ever created.

Aside from designing levels, Matt was known to playtest Doom projects, including The Darkening Episode 2, Richard Wiles' Crusades, and Malcolm Sailor's Chord series. His quality assurance work for GothicDM 2 is seen as the epitome for PWADs that work within vanilla Doom.

For Doomworld, he wrote The /oldstuff Chronicles, judged the 10 Sectors contest, and took part in the article, Doom 3: The Doomers Speak Out (archived 🏛). He also contributed level reviews for Martin Friberg (Cocoon)'s DooMster web site.

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  1. Seligman, Katherine (22 April 1999). "Video game players say it's just that - a game." San Francisco Examiner. Retrieved 10 September 2017.