Michael Schaap (UberGewei)
From DoomWiki.org
Michael Schaap (alias UberGewei and D3st1ny) is a Dutch Doom level designer who contributed to a number of community projects.
UberGewei has been a member of the community since 2007. He's mostly known for his unusual modifications. Most of his work revolves around the ZDaemon source port, providing maps, skins and so forth.
He also created/ported new game modes to ZDaemon, such as Capture The Chicken and Defend Your Captain and provided ACS libraries for the yearly Halloween sessions in ZDaemon.
His current efforts focus on developing for the ZDaemon source port and Stellar Valkyrie, a commercial indie game running on the GZDoom engine.
Body of work[edit]
- Capture The Chicken (game mode for ZDaemon)
- Source code at GitHub
- Defend Your Captain (game mode for ZDaemon)
- WAD and ACS source code at GitHub
- Halloween Sessions
- ACS source code at GitHub
- Rjpwned (Wad Archive (archived 🏛))
- rubberducks (Wad Archive (archived 🏛))
- xmasctf2013 (Zandronum forum thread, Wad Archive (archived 🏛))
- MAP14: My Gewei is covered in snow
- MAP24: FrozenCorner
- ZDaemon Double Domination Map Pack 1 (Wad Archive (archived 🏛))
- MAP09: Frozen Corner
- MAP12: Reliant United
- Doomed in SPACE (Doomworld/idgames)
- MAP05: Überraumstation
- 120 Doom Guy Variant Skins (ZDoom forums thread)
- Duck Marine
- X-Gamesv3
- MAP34: Untote des Friedhofs
- MAP35: Die fantastische Rutschbahn
- MAP37: Wasserball Klopfer
- MAP39: Kugel Schlag
- SIGIL (by John Romero)
- 1.1 -> 1.21 playtesting and providing technical alliance
- Pandemonium Speed Mapping: Multiplayer Madness (Doomworld/idgames)
- PSMM_Coop.Wad, MAP05: Crimson
- Ray Mohawk 2: Ray Wreaks Havoc! (Doomworld/idgames)
- X-Gamesv4
- MAP34: Untote des Friedhofs
- MAP35: Die fantastische Rutschbahn
- MAP37: Wasserball Klopfer
- MAP39: Kugel Schlag
- MAP44: Willkürliche Verkleidung
- SIGIL II (by John Romero)
- Playtesting and providing technical alliance
ZDaemon Sessions[edit]
Christmas specials[edit]
- zds_xmas2014
- zds_xmas2015
- zds_xmas2016
- zds_xmas2017
- zds_xmas2018
- zds_xmas2019
- zds_xmas2020
- zds_xmas2021
- zds_xmas2022
Halloween specials[edit]
- halloween_zds_2016
- halloween_zds_2017
- halloween_zds_2018
- halloween_zds_2019
- halloween_zds_2020
- halloween_zds_2021
- halloween_zds_2022
- halloween_zds_2023
Easter specials[edit]
- zds_easter_b1