Multiplayer (Doom 2016)
The multiplayer side of Doom (2016) was co-developed by Certain Affinity. It heavily differs from earlier games and closer resembles Halo 4, developed by the same studio. The BFG-9000 and the Gauss cannon are the only weapons that can be picked up, all of the others come from player customized load-outs, from which it is possible to only carry two. Up to 16 players can be on the same match across six game modes. SnapMap also allows multiplayer with up to four players simultaneously.
Game modes[edit]
The available multiplayer game modes are the following:
- TDM: Team Deathmatch, one team must reach a prerequisite number of kills to win.
- Soul Harvest: a variation of deathmatch, with an infinite demon rune and players dropping a collectible soul upon death. A team wins when they collect enough of the other team's souls.
- Clan Arena: a last man standing team mode. All players spawn with max armor and health, there are no pickups around the map. First team to eliminate the other wins.
- Freeze Tag: upon death you are frozen, and your teammates can interact with you to thaw you, but it takes time. First team to freeze the other wins.
- Domination
- Warpath: modification of King of the Hill with a moving control point.
- Possession: a team of prowlers against a team of marines with the prowler team growing when marines die.
- Infernal Run: replaces Capture the Flag, featuring a single throwable demonic eyeball that needs to be scored in the other team's goal.
- Sector
All weapons present in campaign mode are also available in multiplayer, except the pistol. But weapons that are exclusive to MP mode have also been added:
- Burst rifle
- Hellshot
- Lightning gun
- Vortex rifle
- Static cannon
- EMG Mark V pistol
- Reaper
- Grenade launcher
Special items[edit]
Apart from the weapons included in the load-outs, players compete to collect upgrades specific to each level that spawn in on fixed intervals, including: