Mystic urn


A mystic urn found in E2M6: The Labyrinth.

The mystic urn is an artifact in Heretic and Hexen. It looks like a grey urn with a golden ankh on it. Using a mystic urn restores the player to full health. Unlike Doom's soulsphere, it can be carried around until needed, but cannot raise the player's health above 100, which makes it similar to the berserk pack but without the pack's fist improvement power.

Like the quartz flask, on the lowest skill level, mystic urns will be used automatically if the player is about to die. Unlike the quartz flask, mystic urns will be also be used automatically in any deathmatch game, regardless of skill level.

This item is included in the item count displayed at the end of each level in Heretic.

In Heretic, when killed, the maulotaur has a ~20% chance to drop a mystic urn.


Mystic urn data
Thing type 32 (decimal), 20 (hex)
Enum MT_ARTISUPERHEAL (Heretic: 12; Hexen: 54)
Appears in Heretic/SSR expansion
Hexen demo
Hexen/DDC expansion
Radius 20
Height 16
Sprite SPHL
Frames 1 [A]
Class Item
Flags 8388609 (decimal) - Heretic
00800001 (hex) - Heretic
1 (decimal) - Hexen
00000001 (hex) - Hexen
Flags list 0: Can be picked up
23: Affects item % - Heretic
Flags2 524288 (decimal)
00080000 (hex)
Flags2 list 19: Float bobbing movement

Appearance statistics[edit]

In the Heretic IWADs the mystic urn is first encountered on these maps per skill level:

The Heretic IWADs contain the following numbers of mystic urns per skill level:

In the Hexen IWADs the mystic urn is first encountered on these maps per skill level:

The Hexen IWADs contain the following numbers of mystic urns per skill level:

Other games[edit]

The same item reappears in Hexen II.