News board/2015-09


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Version 2.0 of WadC - a programming language for constructing Doom maps - has been released. The new version includes the ability to compose textures within WadC code; various standard library improvements; support for managing Boom deep water and a new collection of example maps. WadC now writes the source for your map into a WADCSRC lump within generated WAD files. The new release also includes an alternative command-line interface as a "tech preview". For the full list of changes and downloads, visit the WadC homepage.


A historic early stable build of the node builder BSP, v1.1, which dates to April 11, 1994, was accepted into the idgames archive after it was discovered by ConSiGno on September 1, 2015, via the archive site This version is notable as it was the first community node builder to fix the then-notorious hall of mirrors effect that could occur in complex levels. This version of BSP can now be downloaded from the archive at historic/bsp11x.