Ola Björling (ukiro)
From DoomWiki.org
Ola Björling (alias ukiro, formerly citrus) is a Swedish Doom level designer and texture artist. His work includes The Darkening, The Darkening Episode 2, Overload DM, Venom and the two Tantrum maps. In 1998 Ola was voted as the community's fifth favorite mapper as part of Doomworld's 5 years of Doom celebration. More recently, he is best known for the OTEX texture pack, which saw its initial release in 2018. For his work on OTEX, he was named Creator of the Year in the 2019 Cacowards.
Body of work[edit]
- The Darkening (Doomworld/idgames)
- Textures
- GothicDM 2
- Textures
- GothicDM textures
- Venom (Doomworld/idgames)
- Tantrum 2 (Doomworld/idgames)
- Overload Deathmatches (Doomworld/idgames)
- MAP01: Fragtastic
- MAP02: Deja Vu
- MAP03: Close Quakecounters
- MAP04: Threesome
- MAP05: Fort Fury
- MAP06: Satans Circus (with Nicklas Linnes)
- MAP08: Panic Is My Name (with Tobias Forsberg)
- MAP11: Paranoia
- MAP13: Screaming Fury (with Martin Friberg (Cocoon))
- Team leader
- The Darkening Episode 2 (Doomworld/idgames)
- MAP01: Outpost Mortem
- MAP09: Hard Core (with Jan Van der Veken and Anthony Soto (Swedish Fish))
- MAP12: Toxicity
- Deathmatch:
- MAP13: Outpost Mortem
- MAP16: Deva Station
- MAP21: Rest in Pieces (with Anthony Soto (Swedish Fish))
- MAP23: Banger Hangar (with Derek MacDonald (Afterglow))
- Crucified Dreams (Doomworld/idgames)
- MAP37: Blemish (Under the pseudonym Goä Born Jill)
- OTEX (Doomworld forums thread) (Doomworld/idgames)
- Eviternity (Doomworld/idgames)
- MAP32: Anagnorisis
- Textures, sprites
- Eviternity II (Official site)
- MAP36: Kenosis
- Textures, sprites