PUSS IX: Mapping at Warpspeed

From DoomWiki.org

PUSS IX: Mapping at Warpspeed
Titlepic by Death Bear and BluePineapple72Titlepic by Death Bear and BluePineapple72
Authors Various
Port Boom-compatible
Year 2021
Link Doomworld/idgames
Cacoward-2018.png This mod received an honorable mention at the 2022 Cacowards on Doomworld!

PUSS IX: Mapping at Warpspeed is a May and June 2021 speedmapping community project led by BluePineapple72, and the ninth entry in the Pineapple Under the Sea series. It was a tribute event, coinciding with the fifth anniversary of both Ancient Aliens by Skillsaw and Doom (2016). Each of the levels was built within 10 hours or less, using Ancient Aliens textures with custom additions.

The mod introduces the character Zorglo Blascowicz IX, a recurring character in PUSS events. It received the spin-off PUSS XXV: Lunacy in 2023. Mapping at Warpspeed reached release candidate status in October 2022, and received an honorable mention at that year's Cacowards. It was archived on idgames on April 2, 2023.



  • Skillsaw consulted on the creation of this WAD.
  • MAP29 was started by Death Bear and was passed to each participating mapper to add to it. Each area was made in one hour by a different mapper, then linked at the end by BluePineapple72.
  • The secret levels are inspired by their namesake levels from Doom (2016) and Doom Eternal.
  • The credits level contains pieces from two unfinished level submissions from this project.

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