PUSS IX: Mapping at Warpspeed is a May and June 2021 speedmapping community project led by BluePineapple72, and the ninth entry in the Pineapple Under the Sea series. It was a tribute event, coinciding with the fifth anniversary of both Ancient Aliens by Skillsaw and Doom (2016). Each of the levels was built within 10 hours or less, using Ancient Aliens textures with custom additions.
The mod introduces the character Zorglo Blascowicz IX, a recurring character in PUSS events. It received the spin-off PUSS XXV: Lunacy in 2023. Mapping at Warpspeed reached release candidate status in October 2022, and received an honorable mention at that year's Cacowards. It was archived on idgames on April 2, 2023.
- MAP01: I Skillsawed the Aliens by Death Bear
- MAP02: Ancient Covenant by Myolden
- MAP03: Trespasser by notTyrone
- MAP04: Oberth Malfunction by notTyrone
- MAP05: Ursae Minoris by Death Bear
- MAP06: Ursae Majoris by Death Bear
- MAP07: Holodeck by Myolden
- MAP08: Moon Funeral by Myolden
- MAP09: Alien Tartarus by Muumi
- MAP10: Lagrange Disruption by notTyrone
- MAP11: Another Glance at the Paradise by Muumi
- MAP12: Spirit Fracture by Lemonlytical
- MAP13: Electron Avenue by Death Bear
- MAP14: Electron Boogaloo by Death Bear
- MAP15: The Atropal Jaws by BlooberryPie
- MAP16: Mors Palus Aliens by Late Night Person
- MAP17: Zero G Station by Danlex
- MAP18: Close Encounters of the Weird Kind by Weird Sandwich
- MAP19: Hiding the Secrets by The BMFG
- MAP20: Archvile Arrival by Muumi
- MAP21: Beyond by Doomcat
- MAP22: Passions Like Fire by BluePineapple72
- MAP23: Neon Desert by Luca Pavone (Chookum)
- MAP24: Cryptozoophobia by Weird Sandwich
- MAP25: Grab the Bull by the Horns by BluePineapple72
- MAP26: Clandestine Cumulonimbus by BluePineapple72
- MAP27: Of Waves and Woe by BluePineapple72
- MAP28: Planet Chasers by Death Bear
- MAP29: Mapping at Warpspeed by BluePineapple72 (with Death Bear, Myolden, Muumi, Lemonlytical, Doomcat, Danlex, Weird Sandwich, notTyrone, Chookum, and Peccatum Mihzamiz)
- MAP30: Stargate BP-9 by Death Bear
- MAP31: Lazarus Labs by Cheesewheel
- MAP32: Blood Swamps by Muumi
- MAP01: "Eminence" by Psyrus
- MAP02: "Desk Lamp" by Stuart Rynn
- MAP03: "Icicles" by James Paddock (Jimmy)
- MAP04: "Dangerous Procedures" by James Paddock
- MAP05: "The Berggren-Malde Complex" by continuum.mid and DCG Retrowave, from Alien Vendetta MIDI Pack
- MAP06: "Prelude to Misri in B Major" by James Paddock
- MAP07: "Gold Rush" by Stuart Rynn
- MAP08: "Alien Forest" by Stuart Rynn
- MAP09: "Basement" by Stuart Rynn
- MAP10: "Garden of Lost Souls" by Stuart Rynn
- MAP11: "Incessant Flow of Time" by Stuart Rynn
- MAP12: "Hypercube" by Stuart Rynn
- MAP13: "Kaleidoscopic Array" by Mr. Freeze and Cammy
- MAP14: "Web of Steel" by Stuart Rynn
- MAP15: "Drainage" by Stuart Rynn
- MAP16: "Collision Chaos Present" from Sonic CD
- MAP17: "Satellite One" by Purple Motion
- MAP18: "Space Jiggle" by Stuart Rynn
- MAP19: "Flee" by Stuart Rynn
- MAP20: "Roof" by Stuart Rynn
- MAP21: "Atmosphere" by Tristan Clark
- MAP22: "Birdsong" by Stuart Rynn
- MAP23: "Lost World: Leading Lights" from Sonic Adventure
- MAP24: "Trapeze" by Stuart Rynn
- MAP25: "Depth Charge" by Stuart Rynn
- MAP26: "There Lies the Sky" by Stuart Rynn
- MAP27: "Ocean Flute" by Stuart Rynn
- MAP28: "Featherfall" by Stuart Rynn
- MAP29: "Colliding Nebulae" by Stuart Rynn
- MAP30: "Tales of Old" by Stuart Rynn
- MAP31: "Siege Mentality" by NeilJohnRips
- MAP32: "The Mucus Flow" by Bernard De Windt (B.P.R.D)
- Skillsaw consulted on the creation of this WAD.
- MAP29 was started by Death Bear and was passed to each participating mapper to add to it. Each area was made in one hour by a different mapper, then linked at the end by BluePineapple72.
- The secret levels are inspired by their namesake levels from Doom (2016) and Doom Eternal.
- The credits level contains pieces from two unfinished level submissions from this project.
External links[edit]