PUSS VII: March of the Speeddemons is a March 2021 speedmapping community project led by BluePineapple72, and the seventh entry in the Pineapple Under the Sea series. Each of the levels were built within 7 hours or less, using a resource pack featuring assets from Rowdy Rudy II: POWERTRIP by Doomkid. The rules focused on fast-paced action, multi-stage arena fights, and an action movie theme. It received a sequel with PUSS XVIII: Revenge of the Speeddemons in 2022.
- MAP01: Feet First into Hell by MemeMind
- MAP02: Nuclear Bambino by Cheesewheel
- MAP03: Die Hard by Myolden
- MAP04: Rad Rads by Jark
- MAP05: Quantum of Barrel by Muumi
- MAP06: Blood on Anorthosite by Austinado
- MAP07: Deadly Attraction by Peccatum Mihzamiz
- MAP08: Die Harder by Myolden
- MAP09: Migdal Bavel by notTyrone
- MAP10: Escape from Sandy's City by Muumi
- MAP11: Going Down by Scypek2
- MAP12: Escape From District 89 by Steve88
- MAP13: Demon Express by Mike_C
- MAP14: Nukage Knockdown by Death Bear
- MAP15: Nukage Dragout by Death Bear
- MAP16: Sludgeworks Showdown, Part 1 by Death Bear
- MAP17: Sludgeworks Showdown, Part 2 by Death Bear
- MAP18: Sludgeworks Showdown, Part 3 by Death Bear
- MAP19: Extra-Terrestrial Vengance by Kakroucz
- MAP20: March Of The Blood Temple by IggySquiggles
- MAP21: Rudith Mountain by Telemassacre
- MAP22: On Her Majesty's Rowdy Service by Peccatum Mihzamiz
- MAP23: Catalina Station by Rune
- MAP24: Double Hell-ix by Peccatum Mihzamiz
- MAP25: Mad March: Rudy Road by Weird Sandwich
- MAP26: Corrupted Oasis by Peccatum Mihzamiz
- MAP27: Better Nate than Lever II: Meltdown by BluePineapple72
External links[edit]