PUSS XII: Trick & Tear 2

From DoomWiki.org

PUSS XII: Trick & Tear 2
Titlepic by Aletheos Eberlain, with logo by BluePineapple72Titlepic by Aletheos Eberlain, with logo by BluePineapple72
Authors Various
Port GZDoom
Year 2021
Link Doomworld/idgames

PUSS XII: Trick & Tear 2 is an October 2021 speedmapping community project led by Death Bear, and the twelfth entry in the Pineapple Under the Sea series. It is the sequel to PUSS II: Trick & Tear and precedes PUSS XXI: Trick & Tear the Living Dead. Each of the levels was built within 8 hours or less, using custom resources modified from the original Trick & Tear. It also placed a no-hit scan restriction on the mappers, while still focusing thematically on a "scare factor".



  • This was the first Pineapple Under the Sea event not run by BluePineapple72.
  • It was the first sequel event in the Pineapple Under the Sea series.
  • It was also the first PUSS event to feature a credits map. All preceding events that have a credits map, had them added after this event was released.

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