PUSS XIV: 12 MORE Days of Doommas

From DoomWiki.org

PUSS XIV: 12 MORE Days of Doommas
Titlepic by MuumiTitlepic by Muumi
Authors Various
Port Boom-compatible
Year 2021
Link Doomworld/idgames

PUSS XIV: 12 MORE Days of Doommas is a December 2021 speedmapping community project led by BluePineapple72, and the fourteenth entry in the Pineapple Under the Sea series. This is the sequel to 2020's PUSS IV: 12 Days of Doommas. Each of the levels were built within 8 hours or less, using a custom resource pack.

Each mapper was required to include the following while mapping: 12 Barrels o' fun, 11 Former humans, 10 Beefy barons, 9 Cell charge packs, 8 Hours of mapping, 7 Crushing ceilings, 6 Secret sectors, 5 Arch-viles, 4 Voodoo dolls, 3 DoomCute thingies, 2 Cyberdemons, and 1 Bone closet in a Trick door.



  • The "5 Arch-vile" rule from both 12 Days events is a running gimmick that has been used and referenced in multiple PUSS events.

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