PUSS XX: Hell Yeah! is a September 2022 speedmapping community project led by Death Bear and BluePineapple72, and the twentieth entry in the Pineapple Under the Sea series. Each of the levels was built within 1 hour or less, using a custom resource pack. Hell Yeah! celebrates the second anniversary of the PUSS series, requiring mappers to use several themes and gimmicks that took inspiration from PUSS events and submissions from the prior year.
- MAP01: HUZZAH! by BluePineapple72
- MAP02: Tiny Shore by Heich
- MAP03: Devil's Playground by MAN_WITH_GUN
- MAP04: Double Doom Dragon by Philnemba
- MAP05: Many Happy Returns by Peccatum Mihzamiz
- MAP06: The Flammable Man by Myolden
- MAP07: Distant Memory by Muumi
- MAP08: First Sparks of Love by Muumi
- MAP09: Doomguy's Peaceful, Relaxing Trip to the Beach by finnks13
- MAP10: The Room by memeboi
- MAP11: Izimiolibiz Buirizindiz by Peccatum Mihzamiz
- MAP12: Cyber Ruination by Ravendesk
- MAP13: Puddle of Sacrifice by Death Bear
- MAP14: Totally Easy by notTyrone
- MAP15: Ghostgrinder by Death Bear
- MAP16: Messy Annoyance by Cyberos Leopard
- MAP17: I say, quite a collection you have, Mister! by Savarin
- MAP18: The Mucus Flop by Danlex
- MAP19: Crushing Bones and Scrolling Floors by Luleta
- MAP20: Skulls 'n' Blades by MFG38
- MAP21: Wooo Weee I Feel Just Like Buddy Holly by thatonespymain
- MAP22: Lost Substation by DFF
- MAP23: L'Abito della Sposa by Thelokk
- MAP24: Jonas and Baron von Imp Wedding by thatonespymain
- MAP25: What Ancient Aliens Does to a MF by Walter
- MAP26: Puss Anomaly by MemeMind
- MAP27: They Don't Count by Luleta
- MAP28: Stroke City by Savarin
- MAP29: Bone Base by Lineman
- MAP30: Moonder by Lineman
- MAP31: A Minor Accident by Silhouette 03
- MAP32: Reading in the Dark by Silhouette 03
- MAP33: When the Nates First Levered by Muumi
- MAP34: Nanoman 2.0 by Walter
- MAP35: GOATMAN 3D by Luleta
- MAP36: Conducive Opposition by TheV1perK1ller
- MAP37: Miniscule Cavern by Heich
- MAP38: Always a Bigger Fish by Ravendesk
- MAP39: And Then He Returned by Savarin
- MAP40: Uh oh! You found the toothpaste!? by Luleta
- MAP41: March of the Hordes by Late Night Person
- MAP42: This sewer is a sealed tuna sandwich by thatonespymain
- MAP43: Vulcanico by Savarin
- MAP44: ugly ships by Luleta
- MAP45: Chicanery! by Weird Sandwich
- MAP46: Slough of Extra-Potent Despair by horselessheadsman
- MAP47: Hell Can Be Mean by Pegleg
- MAP48: Pond of Despond by Death Bear
- MAP49: Lair of the Father of Bones by Death Bear
- MAP50: Copypasta Factory by Muumi
- MAP51: Ripped by Death Bear
- MAP52: Torn by Death Bear
- MAP53: Fires of the Vilified by Death Bear
- MAP54: The Great Dying by RedBoule
- MAP55: Philxima by Peccatum Mihzamiz
- MAP56: Shuffling from Evil by Death Bear
- MAP57: Undersmolls by Muumi
- MAP58: The Final PUSS Town by Savarin
- MAP59: SQRT2 It by Lineman
- MAP60: Better Nate than Lever III: Are You My Muumi? by BluePineapple72
- MAP61: Rapidly and in an Unclean Manner by BluePinepple72
- MAP62: Away in a Mangle by Peccatum Mihzamiz
- MAP63: Clandestine Castle Hassle by Death Bear
External links[edit]