Pile of mace spheres

From DoomWiki.org

A pile of mace spheres in E3M8: D'Sparil's Keep

The pile of mace spheres is the large ammo type used to power Heretic's firemace. It provides the player with 100 shots (150 on skills 1 and 5).


Pile of mace spheres data
Thing type 16 (decimal), 10 (hex)
Appears in Heretic/SSR expansion
Radius 20
Height 16
Sprite AMM2
Frames 1 [A]
Class Ammo
Flags 1 (decimal)
00000001 (hex)
Flags list 0: Can be picked up
Flags2 0 (decimal)
00000000 (hex)

Appearance statistics[edit]

In the IWADs the pile of mace spheres is first encountered on these maps per skill level:

The IWADs contain the following numbers of piles of mace spheres per skill level: