Quit messages

From DoomWiki.org

When the player attempts to exit Doom, a humorous quit message is shown, apparently trying to convince the player to stay and play some more. The message is chosen randomly out of a pool of eight, different for each game. The player must then confirm that they want to exit, by pressing 'Y'.


Message Notes
are you sure you want to
quit this great game?
please don't leave, there's more
demons to toast!
let's beat it -- this is turning
into a bloodbath!
i wouldn't leave if i were you.
dos is much worse.
Doom originally ran under DOS. Quitting would return the user to the DOS command prompt.
For Doom95, "DOS" was changed to "work". For the Apple Macintosh, it was changed to "Well, go click on your icons then. I'll be waiting." For the unreleased WinDoom, "DOS" was changed to "the real world".
you're trying to say you like dos
better than me, right?
For Doom95, "DOS" was changed to "TV". For the Apple Macintosh, it was changed to "You're saying you like the desktop pattern better than me, right?"
don't leave yet -- there's a
demon around that corner!
ya know, next time you come in here
i'm gonna toast ya.
go ahead and leave. see if i care.

Doom II[edit]

Message Notes
are you sure you want to
quit this great game?
you want to quit?
then, thou hast lost an eighth!
This is a reference to Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar video game, where the aim of the goal is to become an avatar of the eight virtues, and the message "thou hast lost an eighth!" is displayed when losing avatarship in one of the virtues as a consequence of dishonorable action.
don't go now, there's a
dimensional shambler waiting
at the dos prompt!
Dimensional shamblers are beings from H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos.
Doom originally ran under MS-DOS. Quitting would return the user to the DOS command prompt.
For Doom95, "at the DOS prompt" was changed to "in the Explorer". For the Apple Macintosh, it was changed to "in your system folder".
get outta here and go back
to your boring programs.
if i were your boss, i'd
deathmatch ya in a minute!
Doom was notorious for being played at work.
look, bud. you leave now
and you forfeit your body count!
just leave. when you come
back, i'll be waiting with a bat.
you're lucky i don't smack
you for thinking about leaving.


When the Doom source code was released, the following extra quit messages were found in the source, some containing profanity. A comment presumably left by Bernd Kreimeier speculates that they may have been for Final Doom, however according to John Romero, these are development mode only quit messages that were never to be seen in a real release version.[1]

Message Notes
fuck you, pussy!
get the fuck out!
you quit and i'll jizz
in your cystholes!
if you leave, i'll make
the lord drink my jizz.
hey, ron! can we say
'fuck' in the game?
'Ron' refers to the CEO of GT Interactive, id's publisher at the time. [2]
i'd leave: this is just
more monsters and levels.
what a load.
suck it down, asshole!
you're a fucking wimp!
don't quit now! we're
still spending your money!
page intentionally left blank.
Intended as a placeholder message to test the quit message system.


  • The alternate messages can be added to modern source ports using DeHackEd patches. ZDoom, however, makes the process far easier as all one has to do is create a custom Language.enu with QUITMSG3 ("dos is much worse"), QUITMSG4 ("you like dos better than me") and QUITMSG9 ("dimensional shambler waiting") replaced with their alternate variant and load the file as a typical mod.