ReMooD Data


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ReMooD Data (shortened to REMOODAT) is a content definition language that is used by ReMooD. It was formerly named RMOD. The format uses a table based format. It permits users to create new objects, weapons, touch specials, and other map based interactive objects.

Basic Format[edit]

ReMooD Data being table based means that all of the data contained within shares a similar syntax globally. The following is an example of how the format is defined.

ObjectType "ClassNameOfObject"
    Option "Value";
    AnotherOption "AnotherValue";
    ANumber "1234";

    SubTableType "SubTableName"
        SubOption "Value";
        YetAnotherOption "Some Value";
        AnotherSubTable "AnotherName"
            FavoriteWeapon "Gauntlets";

    SubTableType "ASecondSubTable"
        Color "Orange";