Ressurection of Chaos


Ressurection of Chaos
Title screen
Author Christopher Emirzian
Port ZDoom
IWAD Hexen
Year 2005
Link Doomworld/idgames

Ressurection of Chaos [sic] is 7-level mod for Hexen. It was created by Christopher Emirzian (Udderdude) and first released on September 6, 2005. It serves as a sequel for Udderdude's Hordes of Chaos series of Heretic PWADs, but unlike its predecessor, it is not as focused on slaughter-style gameplay and is considerably shorter in length. It features additional enemies from Doom and Heretic, and even a few weapons from the latter game for use by each of the three Hexen classes.

The seven maps originate from older projects, and were heavily edited by Udderdude for this set with the original authors' permission.


New monsters[edit]

The WAD features several monsters from Doom and Hexen as well as new custom modifications to the existing ones:

New weapons[edit]

The ethereal crossbow, firemace, and dragon claw from Heretic appear for their respective classes.

External links[edit]