Revenant (Doom Eternal)


A revenant.
This article is about the monster in Doom Eternal. For other games, see:

The revenant returns as a monster in Doom Eternal, mostly retaining its appearance from Doom (2016), albeit slightly modified: its eyeballs now glow green, it lacks blood on its forehead, new cybernetics are present on its head and neck, its mouth shape is a bit different, and its metal parts are now cleaner in appearance, with new detailing on the rocket launchers that makes them resemble demonic mouths.

One particular revenant, referred to by VEGA as a revenant drone, can be player-controlled in order to obtain the super shotgun. The same mechanics are used for the revenant in Battlemode.

Tactical analysis[edit]

The revenant is able to shoot a barrage of guided missiles at the player if it is able to lock on, and retains its flight capabilities from the previous game. However, the player is able to shoot off the rocket launchers in order to disable this attack, leaving it with only its much weaker claw swipe and forcing it to fight exclusively on the ground. It can also dash to evade incoming fire.

Dashing or double-jumping will break its lock-on.

Glory kills[edit]

  • The Doom Slayer stabs the revenant's jetpack, causing it to malfunction and self-destruct, blowing up the revenant.
  • The Slayer cuts off the revenant's lower torso and legs, causing it to spin in air before exploding.
  • The Slayer throws the revenant on the ground and decapitates it.
  • The Slayer punches the revenant in the face, grabs its head and then drives his knee into its skull.


The revisions made to the revenant's design by the UAC cultists incorporate enhanced cyber-neural programming. Upon receiving a certain signal to its frontal cortex, the revenant enters a state of unrestrained bloodlust that prevents all forms of thought and feeling unrelated to inflicting violence.


The revenant is one of six demons that can be controlled by players in Battlemode. It is well-rounded and maneuverable, combining offensive power from its rockets with the agility of its jetpack. However, revenant players need to watch their fuel supply as they will be temporarily unable to fly if it runs out.


In the reveal teaser and at QuakeCon 2018, when the preview of Invasion Mode was shown at the end of Super Gore Nest gameplay, the revenant had the same model as in Doom (2016).


  • The player-controlled revenant shown in the QuakeCon 2018 demo was named 'D00t76'. This is a nod to the "doot" meme, an inside joke among fans regarding a revenant holding a trumpet in photoshopped variants of Doom (2016)'s cover art. The meme is further referenced with the pre-order exclusive skin for the revenant, where its body armor is stylized with a trumpet theme and the rocket launchers are replaced with a pair of trumpets. The number 76 is likely a reference to the contemporaneous Bethesda title, Fallout 76.
