Rowdy Rudy's Revenge!


Rowdy Rudy's Revenge!
Title screen
Author Doomkid
Port Vanilla Doom
Year 2019
Link Doomworld/idgames

Rowdy Rudy's Revenge is a 10-map partial conversion by Doomkid for vanilla Doom. It has custom monsters and weapons via DeHackEd, and is designed to be compatible with DOOM2.EXE. It was first uploaded to the /idgames archive on February 5, 2019.

In 2020 it received a community sequel titled Rowdy Rudy II: POWERTRIP.


Custom weapons[edit]

The fist has been replaced with a bayonet attachment to the starting rifle; by itself it is slightly stronger than a regular fist. The bayonet can be strengthened with a berserk pack.

The pistol has been replaced with a rifle that has the same fire rate as the pistol, but shoots out two bullets, one a split-second after the other.

The chainsaw is now a double-bladed chainsaw dubbed "The Great Communicator", which does damage much faster.

The chaingun and rocket launcher (now known as the missile launcher) have new sprites, but otherwise function the same. The plasma gun and BFG9000 also shoot different-looking projectiles, but these also function the same (with the plasma gun firing red plasma instead of blue).

Custom monsters[edit]

Most enemies have changes to their sprites and/or projectiles, but otherwise function the same as their Doom counterparts. The demon is now known as a "blind pinky", but the spectre has now a reduced 70 hit points. The zombieman, shotgun guy, imp, and chaingunner have different sprites and health values. The revenant's fireballs have a different sprite as well.

Cultist: Also called "hoodie" in the DeHackEd file, it functions the same as the zombieman but has 30 hit points.

Shotgunner: Hit points increased to 40.

Weak chaingunner: A gray-suited chaingunner with a helmet. Functions similarly to the chaingunner, but only has 50 hit points and drops an ammo clip instead of a chaingun. Replaces the Wolfenstein SS.

Tough chaingunner: The main chaingunner replacement, its hit points were increased to 90.

Plasma guy: A green-suited marine who fires yellow plasma bolts until you get out of its range or kill it. The plasma guy replaces the Commander Keen and has 90 hit points.

Toxicacodemon: A gray version of the cacodemon that replaces the vanilla monster. Has 400 hit points and shoots green fireballs from its mouth.

RPG zombie: A zombie wielding a rocket launcher, which can shoot homing rockets similar to the ones that the revenant shoots. The RPG zombie replaces the arachnotron and has 120 hit points.

Flame caco: An orange cacodemon with two fire-based attacks. One is a simple fireball in your direction, another is a stream of dangerous fire (which looks similar to arch-vile fire). The flame caco replaces the pain elemental and has 580 hit points.

In addition, the final boss of the game does not actually spit out enemies using spawn cubes. Instead, the monsters are simply spawned in on spawn spots.

Built-in demos[edit]

This WAD features four built-in demos. All require Doom II v1.9 to view them. The demo levels are:

Demo Level Skill Tics Length
DEMO1 MAP02: Arbitrary Base 5 1949 0:55.69
DEMO2 MAP05: Forgotten Installation 5 1288 0:36.80
DEMO3 MAP09: Hell's Doorstep 5 895 0:25.57
DEMO4 MAP10: Satan's Watchful Eye 5 1050 0:30.00

External links[edit]