Ru5tK1ng is a Doom level designer who contributed to a large number of multiplayer community projects, several of which won Multiplayer Awards at the Cacowards. In addition to creating content, he was also a part of the competitive Doom scene and played in various tournaments and leagues across ZDaemon, Zandronum, and Odamex. He has also contributed to Zandronum's development and testing between versions 2.0 and 3.1. He is a former member of the Mechanix Union, the clan Unidoom, commissioner for the Multiplayer Doom Federation, and board member for the International Doom League. In 2020 he started the mapping/modding team, Ru5ty Sh4ck, which released Progressive Duel 3 as their first project. He is currently affiliated with the clan A3.
Body of work[edit]
- IDL Mapping Contest 2011 (Wad Archive (archived 🏛))
- MAP21: Confrontation (as RustInPeace)
- IDL Mapping Contest 2012 (Wad Archive (archived 🏛))
- Project leader
- MAP07: Flooded Canyon
- Eon Deathmatch (Zandronum forum thread) (with Hatred)
- Rage CTF (Doomworld/idgames)
- MAP11: Castle Crush (with HeavenWraith)
- Strife: Absolute Anarchy Deathmatch (Doomworld/idgames)
- SDM08: Back Alley
- Eon Weapons
- Don't Be A Bitch Remastered (Doomworld/idgames)
- DBAB06: Complexed Doom (with Combinebobnt)
- DBAB08: Take Two
- DBAB10: Chaotic Field (with Razgriz)
- DBAB11: Desperate Run (with Razgriz)
- DBAB14: Lunar Base
- DBAB26: Nightfall of Premonition
- Aeon Deathmatch (Doomworld/idgames)
- AEON18: Urban Desolation
- AEON24: Edrick's Citadel (with Decay and IvanDobrovski)
- AEON33: Prismatic (with Decay, Razgriz, Combinebobnt, Argentum, Dranzer and Grymmoire)
- Progressive Duel 2 (Doomworld/idgames)
- Project leader
- MAP01: Take Two
- MAP04: Heavy Silence
- MAP07: Rustrophobia
- MAP13: Sludge Factory
- Progressive Duel 3 (Doomworld forums thread)
- Project leader
- PROG20: Perpetual Haunting
- PROG23: White Noise III
- PROG25: Chapel of Harmony
- PROG28: Rituality
- Smart CTF 2 (Doomworld/idgames)
- MAP16: CTF Mapping Causes Strife
Multiplayer History and Achievements[edit]
Ru5tK1ng began his multiplayer career on ZDaemon where he learned the ropes of competitive duel and CTF. He started to learn the art of mapping as far back as 2005, but mapping would take a back seat to competitive play. His main focus was improving as a dueler and learning the nuances of CTF. He joined clan [SIN] in 2005 and remained until its demise in 2007. Afterwards he joined a couple of clans for short stints before taking a year long break in mid 2009. Eventually he returned in 2010 and became a part of the IDL scene where he began learning a whole new world of competitive 3v3 CTF in a league setting. He eventually transitioned to a captain and led his very own team for the first time for the final season of IDL on ZDaemon.
- 2005 USA December Int. Duel Tournament - 1st Place (as [SIN]Deception)
- 2007 USA XMAS D5M7 OS Duel Tournament - 1st Place (as RustInPeace)
- 2011 ZDaemon Duel League Div. 2 - 3rd Place (ZDDL Award)
- 2011 Team Deathmatch League - 1st Place (with Razgriz as Torment) (ZDTDML Winner)
- 2012 IDL Winter Season - 3rd Place
After the IDL moved from ZDaemon to Odamex in the latter half of 2012, Ru5tK1ng became more involved with the governing aspect of the league. Eventually, he became head of the IDL Board which was composed of players who were responsible for determining league decisions, rules and direction. He managed the 2012 IDL Mapping Contest and was responsible for maintaining the league's main compilation wad. He also became a mainstay of the weekly IDL Radio stream that ran during and after each season. Various topics, such as league news, match summaries, players and general Doom news, were discussed on the stream. He hosted and helped oversee various tournaments and events that were held during the IDL off-season. When Ralphis was creating the design of the North American Doom Association, Ru5tK1ng gave some assistance in the early stages. After a departure from the port spanning seven years, he would return to Odamex competition by taking part in the World Doom League's Summer 2021 season and by entering the QuakeCon 2021 Team Last Marine Standing event.
- IDL MasterBowl Finals
- Summer 2012 MasterBowl - 2nd Place (IDL Archive)
- Fall 2013 MasterBowl - 2nd Place
- QuakeCon 2021 Team Last Marine Standing Tournament - Finalist (with Razgriz as team =DBAB=)
- 2022 Vengeance Capture the Flag Season IV - 1st Place (with team Jogo Bonito)
In 2012, Ru5tk1ng would finally start interacting more with the Skulltag/Zandronum community. After creating a short-lived clan, he joined A3 where he continued to play against a new community of CTF and duel players. The IDL would move for the final time in 2014 to Zandronum and he would assist with the transition by helping IDL players become more familiar with Zandronum as well as submitting tickets to fix gameplay compatibility issues with the port. The IDL would complete one season before being put to rest after 9 long years. It was after this point where Ru5tK1ng began to slowly shift his focus towards mapping and learning DECORATE and ACS. Furthermore in 2014, he became involved with the Mechanix Union and helped with development of their Rage CTF project and joined their ranks post release. For the next few years he, as part of MXU, would release several Cacoward winning projects before departing the team in early 2019. He was also an administrator of the Funcrusher server cluster, which was a cornerstone of the competitive scene, from 2014 to 2019. In 2016, he started submitting patches to fix bugs and improve functionality of Zandronum as well as performing extensive testing of development builds. After distancing himself from all aspects of Doom in late 2018, he would return to mapping in 2020 for the development of Progressive Duel 3. He created the Ru5ty Sh4ck mapping team as a vehicle for his mapping and modding aspirations. The team is composed of himself, Razgriz, and Hatedaddy.
- 2014 Zandronum Team Deathmatch League - 1st Place (with Combinebobnt)
- 2018 September US ProgDuel Tournament - 3rd Place
- 2021 January US ProgDuel Team Deathmatch Tournament - 2nd Place (with Hatred)