Sergey Burow (SilverMiner)
Sergey Andreevich Burow, also known as SilverMiner, is a Russian Doom level designer. He started making WADs in late 2009, joined the community in 2016, and first released WADs in 2017. The majority of his WADs are not present on the idgames archive because he decided that they are not of good enough quality.
Body of work[edit]
- The Boggy Region (Doomworld/idgames)
- The Boggy Region engine (Doomworld/idgames)
- The Boggy Region DOS engine source code (Released in 2020) (Doomworld/idgames)
- Pectate Lyase 3 (Doomworld/idgames)
- The Curse of Boggy Region (WAD in progress)
- The 128 kb mapping extravagant "challenge" (Doomworld/idgames)
- E2M9: Metabolism
- E3M2: Lab of Beat
- E3M9: Orthobolism
- E4M2: Not a Lab
- DBP38: Chronicles of Ghost Town (Doomworld forums thread)
- MAP05: Parichmakher
- Doom: The Way We Remember It (Doomworld forums thread)
- Literalism (Doomworld/idgames)
- Ray Mohawk 2: Ray Wreaks Havoc! (Doomworld/idgames)
- DBP41: Hell Revealed III (Pt. 1) (Doomworld forums thread)
- MAP02: Radar
- MAP06: Painlord (with ChaingunnerX and Artem Orekhov (DukeOfDoom))
- Doomworld Mega Project 2021 (Doomworld/idgames)
- Angry Quilt III: Big Game Hunter (Doomworld/idgames)
- DBP47: Dreamcatcher Apparatus (Doomworld/idgames)
- MAP13: Meager Windy Areas
- Plutonia Revisited Community Project 2 (Doomworld/idgames)
- Pandora (Doomworld/idgames)
- DBP51: Deadly Ritual (Doomworld/idgames)
- MAP04: Ash Wine
- 128 Linedefs, 64 Things (Doomworld/idgames)
- MAP01: Rotated Mast Wave Hike
- MAP12: Mega Ash Ryes
- Deadly Standards 4 (Doomworld/idgames)
- E4M3: Not a Sewer
- E4M4: News Studio 'Whatever' (with DukeOfDoom)
- E4M7: Sad Retaken Voyager (with DukeOfDoom and ChaingunnerX)
- DBP53: Plutonian Sunrise (Doomworld forums thread)
- MAP02: Morning Starts with Berserk
- Doomworld Maximum Project 2021 (Doomworld/idgames)
- DBP55: Jolly Junkyard (Doomworld/idgames)
- MAP02: Kefir Factory II (with CittyKat112)
- MAP08: Jolly Junkyard (with JadingTsunami and matador)
- Doomworld Mega Project 2022 (Doomworld forums thread)
- MAP01: Complex (HR3NEWMAP.wad)
- MAP01: KOFESKARDAMONOM (An alpha of my new personal megawad.wad)
- NEGATIVE ONE: Beyond The Experiment (Doomworld/idgames)
- MAP04, MAP32, MAP33, MAP34 editing
- DBP56: Augustland Barrens (Doomworld/idgames)
- MAP07: Unholy Grail of Mysterious Gold Part II (with CittyKat112)
- TNT: The Way We Remember It (Doomworld forums thread)
- SLOTTER II Demo (Doomworld/idgames)
- MAP02: Isle near Radar
- Doomguy Does Speed (Doomworld forums thread)
- Fastest Shovels #6 (Doomworld/idgames)
- E1M3: Magnet Swirl
- E1M9: Hatch Orienteer
- DBP59: Zeppelin Armada (Doomworld forums thread)
- MAP12: Highcloud (with Redead-ITA)
- Fastest Shovels #7 (Doomworld/idgames)
- E1M6: Servers
- E2M1: Gotta Go for a Walk
- E2M2: Bakery
- DBP60: Eldritch Voyage (Doomworld forums thread)
- MAP07: Below the Jungle
- ShovelDM (Doomworld/idgames)
- MAP08: Base
- Fastest Shovels #9 (Doomworld/idgames)
- MAP05: Not Hall
- 10 Line Genocide (Doomworld/idgames)
- MAP06: 10 To 20 (from Episode 1)
- MAP14: Hot Grove (from Episode 1)
- MAP14: Tanbark Have (from Episode 2)
- MAP26: Databank Overture (from Episode 2)
- MAP43: Tutored Groove (from Episode 2)
- DBP62: Haunting Hollow (Doomworld forums thread)
- MAP03: Lodewood
- Hell Revealations (Doomworld/idgames)
- Doomworld Mega Project 2023: Professional Mapper Edition (Doomworld/idgames)
- MAP03: Cavern level
- DBP63: Terminal Voltage (Doomworld forums thread)
- MAP02: Impedance
- MAP03: Vodichka
- Thirty Years with Doom (Doomworld/idgames)
- DBP64: The Vast Silence (Doomworld forums thread)
- MAP03: Lab B-3
- MAP05: Odichanie
- DBP65: Sanguine Holy Land (Doomworld forums thread)
- MAP04: Sonar
- MAP08: Lentus
- Doom 2 in Song Only (Doomworld forums thread)
- MAP02: The Healer Stalks
- Death by 1000 Lines (Doomworld/idgames)
- E3M1: Dissonance
- Fastest Shovels presents 30 years doomed (Doomworld/idgames)
- E1M6: Servers
- E2M1: Red Lites
- E3M2: Gotta go for a walk
- E3M7: Bakery
- DBP66: Lunar Strain (Doomworld forums thread)
- MAP06: Area A1
- Doomium II (Doomworld/idgames)
- MAP11: Solidol
- Russian Random Speedmap Pack #3 (GitHub)
- MAP01: Lindos
- MAP01: Pesochny Island
- DBP67: Marble Hill (Doomworld forums thread)
- MAP04: Exposition
- Doom 2 Minus Doom (Doomworld forums thread)
- MAP32: Pustyrnik
- DBP68: Outposts of the Wasteland (Doomworld forums thread)
- MAP32: Oasis
- Doomworld Mega Project 2024: Quantity Over Quality (Doomworld/idgames)
- VAUBUILD3110.pk3 (with DukeOfDoom)
- Hell on World Tour (Doomworld/idgames)
- MAP02: Moiginly Island
- DBP69: Caustic Industry (Doomworld forums thread)
- MAP05: Reservoir Campfire
- The Boggy Region can be played in various source ports, but includes an executable to play in DOS, called BOGREG.EXE. This is a Boom 2.02 based source modification, based on the GPL re-release. Changes are minor, but it remains the only choice in DOS, as using stock Boom 2.02 will not work.