

Imp (Doom 3)

1 byte added, 06:39, 3 January 2007
The Imp generally walks slowly towards the player, but it can climb walls as well. Most of the times they will ambush the player, hiding behind doors or when climbing the roof. They can either throw explosive plasma fireballs from their hands that travel in an arch, attack with their claws or pounce in a scratching attack. Occasionally, they will perform a sideways leap-dodge when hit.
The Doom 3 Imp can in some ways be seen as tougher than its classic counter part, considering its ability to leap at the player in a suprise surprise attack, increased agility, and fireballs whose smoke can easily obscure the player's vision, but some of Doom 3's weapons are more powerful (most notably the shotgun, which has a similar amount of firepower to that of the classic Doom II double-barreled shotgun, and the chaingun). There are also other demons weaker than the Imp, but generally, it seems as weak as the classic Imp, taking a single shotgun blast at point-blank range to kill, though they sometimes survive such an encounter.
==Tactical Analysis==