

E2A11: Heart O' Hexas (The Adventures of Square)

736 bytes added, 20:18, 21 May 2022
# Head all the way to the northwest in the first area to find a tower. You need to get under it, so head southwest on the slope until you are at the highest point, then jump up and head northeast to get a [[The Adventures of Square#Items|happy sphere]]. ('''sector 300''')# In the second town on the east side, jump on the rooftops in the middle to the rooftop above the Computers saloon to find hot sauce and Circool-aid. ('''sector 1120''')# In the second town, find the O2 Corral saloon and jump on the blocks behind it to the rooftops. From there, you can jump south to a block containing a brick armor. ('''sector 1616''')# In the second town, you will see a happy sphere high on a block at the south end near the Something saloon. Jump behind it and get on its rooftop to get the happy sphere. ('''sector 1929''')