

Doom v0.2

5 bytes added, 16:23, 16 May 2010
*The renderer and game engine of the 0.2 Alpha version was still in its' early stages. The engine did not make use of [[texture]]s internally, but displayed the patches directly on the wall surfaces. Therefore the game [[WAD]] file does not contain [[TEXTURE1_and_TEXTURE2|TEXTURE]] lumps.
*At this point the renderer made no use of the Z axis, so the engine was incapable of rendering levels with different floor heights.
*The engine uses three different image formatformats: [[flat]]s, plus an early version of the [[picture format]] for sprites and walls, and a third format for all interface graphics. This format, abandoned since, consists of a header (similar to the one used in the final version of the picture format) followed by a raw list of pixels. Palette index #255 is used for transparency, as can be seen in the mock-up [[HUD]] picture (PLAYSCRN). All these interface graphics are found within L_START and L_END markers. The TITLEPIC, which is also in this format, uses its own palette, TITLEPAL, also found within the L_ markers.
*The [[COLORMAP]] lump contains 32 maps. The [[PLAYPAL]] lump has only the first level, though most of its colors are already in their definitive version (color ranges 3-15 and 160-249 are different, 0-2, 16-159 and 250-255 are identical).
*The single map is made of several lumps starting with M_. The map format is extremely different from the final version.