

Doom 3: BFG Edition

1 byte added, 22:27, 7 November 2012
no edit summary
* It is not possible to input [[Parameter|command line parameters]].
* There is no confirmation when selecting [[Nightmare!]] skill.
* On Nightmare!, the "[[fast monsters" parameter ]] setting has been modified: fireballs shot by imps, cacodemons, barons of Hell and Hell knights are no longer sped up, and neither is the running speed of Demonsdemons.
* The pickup sprites for the [[stimpack]], [[medikit]], and [[berserk]] (STIMA0, MEDIA0, PSTRA0) are modified in compliance with the Red Cross' wish that its symbol not be used in games. Instead, the symbol is replaced by a red and white pill.
* A new DMENUPIC lump is present, though unused. This was the [[title screen]] in the original [[Xbox 360]] version.