Talk:Avactor: End of the Fifth Circle


Custom things mapping[edit]

The DeHackEd & sprite lumps in the WAD allowed to compile the following custom things mapping file for DMMPST (TSV format), although official names for the new enemies haven't been announced AFAIK, so I guestimated them:

# class	thingID	wikiname	wikilink
0	88	White demon	Avactor: End of the Fifth Circle#Custom monsters
0	72	Chaingun statue	Avactor: End of the Fifth Circle#Custom monsters
0	68	Plasma tank	Avactor: End of the Fifth Circle#Custom monsters
0	84	Big brain	Avactor: End of the Fifth Circle#Custom monsters

Please let me know any improvements/corrections. And here's how you can help with mapping files for other WADs. --Xymph (talk) 17:01, 2 September 2019 (CDT)

Custom decorations replace some powerups[edit]

As the title says, Avactor maps contain neither Night Goggles nor Invul Spheres. They are replaced by custom decorations of a mangled Doomguy corpse and a decapitated Chaingunner corpse respectively, so they shouldn't appear in the things tables. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk)

Thanks, mapping table updated to:
# class	thingID	wikiname	wikilink
0	88	White demon	Avactor: End of the Fifth Circle#Custom monsters
0	72	Chaingun statue	Avactor: End of the Fifth Circle#Custom monsters
0	68	Plasma tank	Avactor: End of the Fifth Circle#Custom monsters
0	84	Big brain	Avactor: End of the Fifth Circle#Custom monsters
10	2045	Dead player	Thing types#Decorations
10	2022	Dead chaingunner	Thing types#Decorations
and things tables updated. --Xymph (talk) 06:58, 9 November 2021 (CST)