

Custom things mapping[edit]

The DECORATE lumps in the WAD permitted to compile the following custom things mapping file for DMMPST (TSV format):

# class	thing	wikiname	wikilink
0	3204	Chainsaw zombie	#Monsters
0	3201	Rapid fire trooper	#Monsters
0	30120	Devil	#Monsters
0	30127	Vulgar	#Monsters
0	3110	Mech-demon	#Monsters
0	4662	Shotgun marine	#Monsters
0	3311	Chaingun marine	#Monsters
0	3202	Rocket marine	#Monsters
0	3131	Cacolich	#Monsters
0	3132	Cacolich	#Monsters
0	5123	Cracko demon	#Monsters
0	3121	Heresy lord	#Monsters
0	30104	Archon of Hell	#Monsters
0	7228	Thamuz	#Monsters

Please let me know any improvements/corrections. And here's how you can help with mapping files for other WADs. --Xymph (talk) 05:44, 13 July 2018 (CDT)